Research Report
academic article
- Bound galloylated compounds in persimmon upcycled dietary fiber modulate microbial strains associated to human health after in vitro digestion
- Carotenoids from persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) byproducts exert photoprotective, antioxidative and microbial anti-adhesive effects on HaCaT
- Effect of blue, green or red LED light on the functional quality of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)
- Enhancing antioxidant systems by preharvest treatments with methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid leads to maintain lemon quality during cold storage
- Grafting Snake Melon [Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo Var. flexuosus (L.) Naudin] in Organic Farming: Effects on Agronomic Performance; Resistance to Pathogens; Sugar, Acid, and VOC Profiles; and Consumer Acceptance
- Influence of Storage on Physiological Properties, Chemical Composition, and Bioactive Compounds on Cactus Pear Fruit (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.)
- Oxalic Acid Preharvest Treatment Improves Colour and Quality of Seedless Table Grape Magenta Upregulating on-Vine Abscisic Acid Metabolism, Relative VvNCED1 Gene Expression, and the Antioxidant System in Berries
- Physicochemical and antioxidant capacity of jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) at different maturation stages
- Potential of persimmon dietary fiber obtained from byproducts as antioxidant, prebiotic and modulating agent of the intestinal epithelial barrier function
- Volatile profile in different aerial parts of two caper cultivars (Capparis spinosa L.)
congress communication
- Introducción del gen Ty-2 en el Programa de Mejora Genética de Variedades Tradicionales de Tomate del CIAGRO-UMH
- Actividad antioxidante total en tallos de cultivares españoles de Capparis spinosa
- Caracterización fisicoquímica de frutos de serbal (Sorbus domestica L.) tipo manzana en 4 estados de maduración
- Carotenoid extraction and revalorization of by-products derived from persimmon juice processing
- Cultivo a media escala de líneas de tomate Muchamiel con resistencia a virus para su comercialización en Alicante
- Diferencias en fenoles, flavonoides, flavonoles y actividad antioxidante totales entre 24 cultivares de tápenas de dos subespecies, spinosa y rupestris
- Extraction effect on the bioactive potential from persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) dietary fiber obtained from by-products
- Fibre-rich ingredients prepared from persimmon food by-products are potent prebiotics and antimicrobials
- Influencia del cultivo ecológico vs convencional sobre la calidad de los jínjoles de la variedad ¿Grande de Albatera¿
- Perfil de compuestos volátiles en flores de dos cultivares de Capparis spinosa
- Seguimiento de tres ensayos de tomate Muchamiel con resistencia a virus en el término municipal de Mutxamel durante el ciclo de primavera-verano 2021
- Variabilidad morfológica de tomates conservados en el Banco de Germoplasma del IMIDA (BAGERIM) con origen en la Región de Murcia
external project
operating licence
person (active)
research project
technological support
thrid party project