selected publications
academic article
- Genomes of planktonic Acidimicrobiales: widening horizons for marine Actinobacteria by metagenomics. . MBIO. 1-11. 2015
- Replicating phages in the epidermal mucosa of the eel (Anguilla anguilla). FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 1-10. 2015
- A Hybrid NRPS-PKS Gene Cluster Related to the Bleomycin Family of Antitumor Antibiotics in Alteromonas macleodii Strains. PLOS ONE. 2013
- Draft Genome Sequence of an Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaeon "Candidatus Nitrosopumilus sediminis"AR2, from Svalbard in the Artic Circle.. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY. 6948-6949. 2013
- Draft Genome of Spiribacter salinus M19-40, an Abundant Gammaproteobacterium in Aquatic Hypersaline Environments.. GENOME. 179-212. 2013
- Genomes of Spiribacter, a streamlined, successful halophilic bacterium.. BMC GENOMICS. 1471-2164. 2013
- Metagenome sequencing of prokaryotic microbiota from hypersaline ponds of a marine saltern in Santa Pola, Spain.. GENOME. 933-1013. 2013
- Metagenomics uncovers a new group of low GC and ultra-small marine Actinobacteria.. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2471-2473. 2013
- Complete Genome Sequence of the Copiotrophic Marine Bacterium Alteromonas macleodii Strain ATCC 27126T.. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY. 6998-7001. 2012
- Draft genome sequence of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria Candidatus Sulfurovum sediminum AR belonging to the Epsilon-proteobacteria.. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY. 4128-4129. 2012
- Genomes of surface isolates of Alteromonas macleodii: the life of a widespread marine opportunistic copiotroph.. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 1-11. 2012
- Metagenomes of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 1-13. 2012
- Polyclonality of concurrent natural populations of Alteromonas macleodii.. GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 1-22. 2012
- Reconstruction of Novel Cyanobacterial Siphovirus Genomes from Mediterranean Metagenomic Fosmids. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 1-25. 2012
- Breaking a paradigm: cosmopolitan and abundant freshwater actinobacteria are low GC.. ENVIRON MICROBIOL. 2011
- Metagenomics of the Water Column in the Pristine Upper Course of the Amazon River. PLOS ONE. 2011
- New Abundant Microbial Groups in Aquatic Hypersaline Environments. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 1-20. 2011
- Metagenome of the Mediterranean deep chlorophyll maximum studied by direct and fosmid library 454 pyrosequencing. ISME JOURNAL. 1154-1166. 2010
- CO Dehydrogenase Genes Found in Metagenomic Fosmid Clones from the Deep Mediterranean Sea. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 7436-7444. 2009
congress communication
- as Actinobacterias de agua dulce son de bajo contenido en GC 2012
- A Metagenomic Insight into GI1, a Hypervariable Region of Coexisting Clonal Lineages of Haloquadratum walsbyi 2011
- Aproximación al pan-genoma de Haloquadratum walsbyi desde el metagenoma 2011
- Microbial diversity of hypersaline enrironments: a metagenomic approach 2011
- Metagenomics of the pristine upper course of the Amazon River, Brazil 2010