- Catedrático/a de Universidad, Física Aplicada 2019 -
- Catedrático/a de Universidad, Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 2012 - 2019
- Catedrático/a de Escuela Universitaria, Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 2007 - 2012
- Catedrático de Escuela Universitaria, Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 2004 - 2007
- Profesor Titular Escuela Universitaria, Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 2001 - 2004
- Profesor Interino Titular E.U., Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 1999 - 2001
- Profesor Titular Escuela Universitaria, DPTO. CC.EE. TECNOLOGIA 1997 - 1999
- Profesor Interino Titular E.U., DPTO. CC.EE. TECNOLOGIA 1997 - 1999
- Publications
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selected publications
academic article
- Planes of Satellites around Simulated Disk Galaxies. II. Time-persistent Planes of Kinematically Coherent Satellites in ¿CDM. ASTROPHYS J. 1-18. 2023
- Cryoprotective Response as Part of the Adaptive Strategy of the Red PalmWeevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, against Low Temperatures. INSECTS. 1-13. 2022
- Morphological response of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, to a transient low temperature analyzed by computer tomography and holographic microscopy. JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY. 102748-102757. 2020
- Planes of Satellites around Simulated Disk Galaxies. I. Finding High-quality Planar Configurations from Positional Information and Their Comparison to MW/M31 Data. ASTROPHYS J. 71-92. 2020
- Effects of vitamin D-induced chronic renal disease on quality and cryopreservation of spermatozoa from the endangered Iberian lynx. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 16-16. 2018
- The Radial Distribution of Mono-metallicity Populations in the Galactic Disk as Evidence for Two-phase Disk Formation. ASTROPHYS J. 1-14. 2017
- The Stellar Spheroid, the Disk, and the Dynamics of the Cosmic Web. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS. 30-38. 2015
- Cryobanking of Skin Cells from the Critically Endangered European Mink (Mustela lutreola). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES. 1665-1672. 2014
- Different cryopreservation requirements in foetal versus adult skin cells from an endangered mammal, the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). CRYOBIOLOGY. 227-233. 2014
- GRASIL-3D: an implementation of dust effects in the SEDs of simulated galaxies. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 3868-3889. 2014
- A Two-phase Scenario for Bulge Assembly in ¿CDM Cosmologies. ASTROPHYS J. 26-40. 2013
- Formation of galaxies in ¿cold dark matter cosmologies - I. The fine structure of disc galaxies. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 2510-2530. 2012
- Large-scale gas dynamics in the adhesion model: implications for the two-phase massive galaxy formation scenario. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 3022-3038. 2011
- Massive Galaxies at High z: Assembly Patterns, Structure, and Dynamics in the Fast Phase of Galaxy Formation. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS. 3201-3205. 2011
- Isolated Galaxies vs Galaxies in Groups: a Study of Their Properties from Cosmological Simulations. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. 241-241. 2010
- The Origin of Massive Galaxies in Groups and Isolated: Law and Chance from Cosmological Simulations. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. 201-204. 2010
- The Role of Gravitational Shock Heating in Isolated Galaxies from Cosmological Simulations. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. 275-275. 2010
- Chemical evolution of galaxies - I. A composition-dependent SPH model for chemical evolution and cooling. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 39-55. 2008
- Downsizing in Elliptical Galaxies: Some Clues from Self-consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. 468-471. 2008
- The Luminous Matter Profiles in Ellipticals since z=1.5: The Photometric Plane and its Evolution. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. 498-499. 2008
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in Scalar Tensor Gravity: The Key Problem of the Primordial 7Li Abundance. ASTROPHYS J. 1-10. 2007
- Bright and Dark Matter in Elliptical Galaxies: Mass and Velocity Distributions from Self-consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 39-60. 2007
- Baryon density of the Universe: an imprint of a scalar field?. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES. 903-911. 2006
- Clues on regularity in the structure and kinematics of elliptical galaxies from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations: the dynamical Fundamental Plane. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 503-520. 2006
- Elliptical Galaxies since z~1.5: Downsizing and the Fundamental Plane Evolution. IAU SYMPOSIA. 302-305. 2006
- Primordial scalar field : a way out of the Lithium over-production. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONFERENCE SERIES. 475-478. 2006
- The Lack of Structural and Dynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies since z~1.5: Clues from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamic Simulations. ASTROPHYS J. 77-80. 2006
- Clues on the Physical Origin of the Fundamental Plane from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations. ASTROPHYS J. 57-60. 2005
- Elliptical Galaxies at z = 0 from Self-consistent Hydrodynamic Simulations: Clues on Age Effects in Their Stellar Populations. ASTROPHYS J. 5-8. 2004
- Elliptical Galaxies at z=0 from Self-consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations: Comparison with Sloan Digital Sky Survey Structural and Kinematical Data. ASTROPHYS J. 131-134. 2004
- Clues on the Hubble sequence formation from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE. 397-400. 2003
- Conservation Laws in Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics: The DEVA code. ASTROPHYS J. 878-892. 2003
- Early-type galaxies at low z from self-consistent hydrodynamical smulations. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE. 411-414. 2003
- Environmental and morphological dependence of the luminosity function of galaxies. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 917-930. 2003
- Galaxy Assembly from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations. REVISTA MEXICANA DE ASTRONOMIA Y ASTROFISICA. 249-253. 2003
- Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics: importance of correction terms in adaptive resolution algorithms. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 157-174. 2003
- Convergence of scalar-tensor theories towards General Relativity and Primordial Nucleosynthesis.. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 857-874. 2002
- Dynamical analysis of disks from DEVA.. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE. 309-312. 2002
- Search for scalar-tensor cosmologies with a non-monotonic time evolution of the speed-up factor.. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. 4361-4375. 2002
- Asymptotic and exact solutions of Perfect-Fluid Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 1240151-1240166. 1999
- Stability of spherical rotating systems. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 859-865. 1999
- Contribution of spiral arms to the surface brightness distribution of disk galaxies. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 741-746. 1997
- Upper limit to Omega_B in scalar-tensor gravity theories. ASTROPHYS J. 38-41. 1997
- Adaptive Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics and Particle-Particle coupled codes: Energy and Entropy Conservation. ASTROPHYS J. 884-895. 1996
- Constraints on Scalar-Tensor theories of gravitation from primordial Nucleosynthesis. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 3087-3098. 1996
- Dynamical search for substructures in galaxy clusters. A hierarchical clustering method. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 65-74. 1996
- Implementation of Hierarchical Clustering Methods. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 30-40. 1996
- Nothern dwarf and Low-Surface Brightness galaxies. V. The scaling analysis. ASTROPHYS J. 53-65. 1996
- Scalar-Tensor cosmological models. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 3074-3086. 1996
- Prácticas de Fundamentos Físicos de la Ingeniería. 1º Curso Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación. LIMENCOP. 2003
- Prácticas de Fundamentos Físicos de la Ingeniería. 1º Curso de Ingeniería Industrial. LIMENCOP. 2003
- Prácticas de Fundamentos Físicos de la Ingeniería. 1º Curso de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación. LIMENCOP. 2003
- Prácticas de Física. 1º Curso de Ciencias Ambientales.. LIMENCOP. 2003
- Prácticas de fundamentos físicos de la ingeniería, 1 curso ingeniería técnica industrial (especialidad mecánica). LIMENCOP. 2003
- Física. Teoría, cuestiones y problemas. EDICIONES TC. 2002
- Fisica I: Teoria, cuestiones y problemas. EDICIONES TC. 2000
- Bulges vs elliptical galaxies: some clues from their formation in a cosmological context. Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges. 71-74. 2008
- Abundance-dependent cooling functions for low-density astrophysical plasmas in equilibrium . Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV. 354-360. 2007
- Bright and Dark Matter in Elliptical Galaxies. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV. 354-360. 2007
- Elliptical Galaxies Since z ~ 1.5: The Evolution of The Fundamental Planes. Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time . 420-420. 2007
- Metallicity-dependent chemical feedback in cosmological SPH simulations . Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV. 356-362. 2007
- Dark haloes in ellipticals and the tilt of the Fundamental Plane: some clues from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations. Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures. 275-276. 2006
- Chemical Enrichment in a Cosmological Context: Results from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics. 421-424. 2005
- Ellipticals at z=0 from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations: Clues on Age Effects in their Stellar Populations. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics. 159-166. 2005
- Understanding Galaxy Formation in a Cosmological Context through Hydrodynamical Simulations. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics. 417-420. 2005
- Aplicación de la dinámica de fluidos computacional a la ventilación natural de invernaderos. La investigación del grupo especializado de Termodinámica de las Reales Sociedades Españolas de Física y Química. Año 2004. 229-238. 2004
- Clues on the Hubble sequence formation from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations. The Evolution of Galaxies. 103-106. 2003
- Early-type Galaxies at low z from hydrodynamical simulations. The Evolution of Galaxies. 117-120. 2003
- Elliptical galaxies at low z from Self-consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics III. 155-158. 2003
- The role of Collapse and Merger events in Elliptical Formation. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics III. 171-174. 2003
- Type and environment dependent luminosity function of galaxies. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics III. 63-66. 2003
- A baryonic flat Universe?.. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics II.. 402-402. 2001
- A new code for hydrodynamical simulations in cosmology.. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics II.. 9-12. 2001
- Statistical study of luminosity profiles of galaxies using a bulge-disk-spiral composite model.. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics II.. 125-128. 2001
- Perfect-Fluid Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies. Proc. of the 4th Alexander Friedmann Intern. Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology. 491-496. 1999
congress communication
- Adaptive biochemical response of the Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, to deal with cold stress 2022
- Analyzing physiologic responses to cold and starvation in the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleopetra: Curculionidae) by X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) 2019
- Effects of Vitamin D-induced chronic renal disease on quality and cryopreservation of spermatozoa from the endangered lberian lynx 2018
- Understanding planes of satellites: Understanding the emergence of a plane of satellites around the Milky Way 2018
- Understanding the emergence of a plane of satellites around the MW 2018
- The Dynamics of the Cosmic Web as a driver of the Fine Structure of Late Type Galaxies 2015
- LTGs fine structure and the Cosmic Web 2014
- GRASIL-3D: A New Code to Calculate Dust Effects in the SEDs of Simulated Galaxies 2013
- Galaxy formation and evolution in a cosmological context: news from hydrodynamical simulations. 126-133. 2012
- Classical Bulge Formation with P-DEVA, a Chemodynamical AP3M-SPH Code 2011
- Estudio de la función de luminosidad de galaxias por tipos y entornos en el SDSS 2010
- An study of the mass-(metallicity, [¿/Fe], color) relations of early type galaxies with minimal assumptions 2010
- The orbital distribution of satellite galaxies: cosmological correlations and origin 2010
- Isolated galaxies vs galaxies in groups: a study of their properties from cosmological simulations 2009
- On the origin of broken exponential profiles 2009
- The Role of Gravitational Shock Heating in Isolated Galaxies from Cosmological Simulations. 2009
- A composition dependent SPH model for chemical evolution and cooling 2008
- Cosmological simulations of Galaxy Formation 2008
- Distribution of satellite galaxies from Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations 2008
- Dynamical Downsizing in Elliptical Galaxies: Clues from Cosmological Simulations 2008
- The Relation Between Rotational Support and Shape in Elliptical Galaxies at z < 1.5. 2008
- Bulges versus elliptical galaxies: some clues on their properties from their formation in a cosmological context 2007
- Downsizing in Elliptical Galaxies: Clues from Self-consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations 2007
- Relación masa-(metalicidad, colores, sobreabundancia alpha) en galaxias simuladas mediante P-DEVA 2007
- ¿Por qué las galaxias elípticas más masivas forman antes sus estrellas que las menos masivas? 2007
- Abundant-dependent cooling functions for low-density astrophysicalplasmas in equilibrium 2006
- Baryon density of the Universe: an imprint of a scalar field? 2006
- Bright and dark matter in elliptical galaxies 2006
- Chemical enrichment of galaxies from cosmological simulations 2006
- Elliptical Galaxies from Cosmodynamical Hydrodynamical Simulations 2006
- Elliptical Galaxies since z=1.5. The evolution of the Fundamental Plane 2006
- Formación y enriquecimiento químico de galaxias 2006
- Hot gas in Elliptical Galaxies 2006
- The Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies: Clues from Hydrodynamical Simulations 2006
- Informe de Seguimiento de Proyectos del PNYA 2005
- Mejora de la ventilación natural de invernaderos mediante arquitectura bioclimática. 397-404. 2005
- New greenhouse summer climate control designs that improve natural ventilation. 274-274. 2005
- Primordial scalar field : a way out of the Lithium over-production 2005
- Star formation and chemical evolution in a LCDM Universe 2005
- Chemical enrichment in a cosmological context: results from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations 2004
- Ellipticals at z = 0 from Self-consistent Hydrodynamic Simulations: Clues on Age Effects in Their Stellar Populations 2004
- Simulación del comportamiento dinámico del aire en un invernadero mediante técnicas computacionales termodinámicas y de fluidos 2004
- Understanding galaxy formation in a cosmological context through hydrodynamical simulations 2004
- Early-type galaxy formation from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations 2003
- Ellipticals at z=0 from Self-Consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations: Comparison with SDSS Structural and Kinematical Data 2003
- Clues on the Hubble Sequence Formation from Self-consistent Hydrodynamical Simulations. 2002
- Elípticas a bajo z en simulaciones hidrodinámicas autoconsistentes. 2002
- Funciones de luminosidad de galaxias aisladas y en grupos según su morfología. 2002
- Galaxy Assembly from self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations 2002
- Procesos de colapso y fusión en simulaciones hidrodinámicas autoconsistentes. 2002
- DEVA: a new AP3M+SPH code. 2001
- Dynamical analysis of disks from DEVA 2001
- Análisis estadístico de la distribución radial de brillo en galaxias espirales 2000
- Formación de galaxias mediante simulaciones hidrodinámicas 2000
- ¿Un Universo bariónico plano?. 2000
investigator on
- UMH-2018-50OT0008RP 2018 - 2022
teaching activities
- MECÁNICA DE FLUIDOS (Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica) - Prácticas en Aula Teórica Teacher 2013 - 2024
- MECÁNICA DE FLUIDOS (Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2012 - 2024
- MECÁNICA DE FLUIDOS (Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2012 - 2024
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Actividad Práctica Tutorizada no presencial Teacher 2014 - 2015
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Actividad Teórica Tutorizada no presencial Teacher 2014 - 2015
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2013 - 2014
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Seco Teacher 2013 - 2014
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2007 - 2014
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2007 - 2014
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Actividad Práctica Tutorizada no presencial Teacher 2009 - 2013
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Actividad Teórica Tutorizada no presencial Teacher 2007 - 2013
- MECÁNICA DE FLUIDOS (Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática Industrial) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2011 - 2012
- MECÁNICA DE FLUIDOS (Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática Industrial) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2011 - 2012
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2007 - 2009
- AMPLIACION DE FISICA (Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (P99)) - Actividades de investigación clinica tutorizada Teacher 2006 - 2007
- FUNDAMENTOS FISICOS DE LA INGENIERIA (Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (P99)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Seco Teacher 2006 - 2007
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Prácticas en Aula Teórica Teacher 2000 - 2007
- FUNDAMENTOS FISICOS DE LA INGENIERIA (Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, especialidad en Mecánica (P01)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2005 - 2006
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2004 - 2006
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2004 - 2006
- CF. TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas en Aula Teórica Teacher 2004 - 2006
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2000 - 2006
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Clase Magistral Teacher 1999 - 2006
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2003 - 2004
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2003 - 2004
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas en Aula Teórica Teacher 2003 - 2004
- FUNDAMENTOS FISICOS DE LA INGENIERIA (Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, especialidad en Mecánica (P01)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2002 - 2004
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2000 - 2002
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2000 - 2002
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (2º ciclo) (P97)) - Prácticas en Aula Teórica Teacher 2000 - 2002
- FUNDAMENTOS FISICOS DE LA INGENIERIA (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Húmedo Teacher 2000 - 2001
- FUNDAMENTOS FISICOS DE LA INGENIERIA (Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicaciones, especialidad en Sistemas de Telecomunicación (P98)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Seco Teacher 1999 - 2000
- TERMODINAMICA Y MECANICA DE FLUIDOS (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Seco Teacher 1999 - 2000
- FUNDAMENTOS FISICOS DE LA INGENIERIA (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Clase Magistral Teacher 1997 - 1999
- FUNDAMENTOS FISICOS DE LA INGENIERIA (Ingeniero Industrial (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Seco Teacher 1997 - 1999
- FISICA (Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales (P97)) - Actividad Teórica Tutorizada no presencial Teacher 1997 - 1998
- FISICA (Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales (P97)) - Prácticas de Laboratorio Seco Teacher 1997 - 1998
organizer of event
- INVISIBLE UNIVERSE (Congress Organization) Miembros del Comité Organizador de un Congreso o del Comité Científico 2009
- Observación, Simulación y Modelización de Galaxias (Congress Organization) Moderadores de Mesas Redondas y Sesiones Científicas 2007
- Jornada de Astrofísica (Congress Organization) Comité Organizador 2006
full name
Included in
- Física Aplicada 2019 Department
- Física Aplicada 2020 Department
- Física Aplicada 2021 Department
- Física Aplicada 2022 Department
- Física Aplicada 2023 Department
- Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 2017 Department
- Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 2018 Department
- Física y Arquitectura de Computadores 2019 Department