selected publications
academic article
- In vitro antibacterial and antioxidant properties of chitosan edible films incorporated with Thymus moroderi or Thymus piperella essential oils. FOOD CONTROL. 386-392. 2013
- In vitro antioxidant and antifungal properties of essential oils obtained from aromatic herbs endemic to the southeast of Spain. JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION. 1218-1225. 2013
- Chemical characterization and antibacterial activity of Thymus moroderi and Thymus piperella essential oils, two Thymus endemic species from southeast of Spain. FOOD CONTROL. 294-297. 2012
- Chemical characterization and antibacterial activity of two aromatic herbs (Santolina Chamaecyparisus and Sideretis angustifolia) widely used in the folk medicine. JOURNAL OF FOOD SAFETY. 1-9. 2012
- Chemical, physico-chemical and functional properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) bagasses powder co-product. JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING. 220-224. 2012
- In vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activities of extracts from annatto (bixa orellana L.) leaves and seeds. JOURNAL OF FOOD SAFETY. 399-406. 2012
- Antioxidant activity of artisanal honey from Tabasco, Mexico. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES. 459-470. 2011
- Antioxidant properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) bagasses obtained as co-product in the juice extraction. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 1217-1223. 2011
- Effect of packaging conditions on shelf-life of mortadella made with citrus fibre washing water and thyme or rosemary essential oil. FOOD AND NUTRITION SCIENCES. 1-10. 2011
- Spices as functional foods. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION. 13-28. 2011
- Aroma profile and physicochemical properties of artisanal honey from Tabasco, Mexico. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 1111-1118. 2010
- Métodos para la determinación de la actividad antioxidante. ALIMENTACION EQUIPOS Y TECNOLOGIA. 40-43. 2010
- Compuestos bioactivos obtenidos a partir de co-productos agroalimentarios de origen mediterráneo. Ingredientes Bioactivos y Alimentos Funcionales en IberoAmérica. 32-37. 2013
- Composition and Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oils from the Mediterranean. Essential Oils as Natural Food Additives- Composition, Applications, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties. 267-285. 2012
- Technological properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel extract obtained as coproduct of juice processing. Dietary fiber and Health. 443-451. 2012
- Anti-Listeria activity of essential oils obtained from Egyptian aromatic plants in skimmed milk and full cream. Selected problems of nutraceutical and functional food. 117-125. 2011
- Aprovechamiento de co-productos procedentes de las industrias agroalimentarias. Obtención de fibra dietética. Avances en la Investigacion de la alimentacion funcional. 114-123. 2010
- Compuestos bioactivos de los co-productos cítricos y su aplicación en la industria cárnica. Reducción del nitrito residual. Avances en la Investigacion de la alimentacion funcional. 105-113. 2010
- Effect of packaging conditions on shelf-life of bologna sausages made with orange juice wastewater and oregano essential oil . Total Food. Sustainability of the Agri-Food Chain.. 32-37. 2010
congress communication
- Actividad antioxidante de dos hierbas aromáticas, Santolina Chamaecyparissus y Siderities angustifolia ampliamente utilizadas en la medicina tradicional. 68-68. 2013
- Chitosan edible films added with Santolina chamaecyparissus and Sideritis angustifolia essential oils. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties. 151-151. 2013
- Efecto de la adición de fibra de tamarindo (Tamarindus indica) sobre la calidad de hamburguesas de cerdo. 135-135. 2013
- Efecto de la fibra de dátil (Phoenix dactylifera) sobre las propiedades tecnológicas de una hamburguesa "halal". 33-33. 2013
- Empleo de la fibra de chufa como crioprotector en hamburguesas de cerdo. 134-134. 2013
- Antifungal activity of essential oils obtained from two aromatic herbs widely used in the Spanish folk medicine 2012
- Presentación de paté de dátil, tiger.burger, delicia del sultán y galletas sin gluten 2012
- Actividad anti-listeria de aceites esenciales obtenidos de plantas aromáticas egipcias en un extracto de carne. 17-18. 2011
- Antibacterial activity of essential oils of two thymus species in meat homogenates. 71-71. 2011
- Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils of two aromatic herbs (Santolina chamaecyparissus and Sideritis angustifolia) widely used in the folk medicine. 157-158. 2011
- Effect of added pomegranate peel extracts on the chemical and physico-chemical characteristics of a bologna sausage. 49-49. 2011
- anti-listeria activity of essential oils obtained from Egyptian aromatic plants in skimmed milk and full cream. 192-192. 2011
- Chemical, physico-chemical and functional properties of pomegranate (punica granatum L.) bagasse powder co-product. 1-4. 2010