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Alimentacion Digital Saludable
Alimentación para deportes practicados en condiciones de hipoxia
Antioxidants of manzanilla hydrosotainableyt table olives after in vitro digestion simulation
Building PDO and PGI awareness among high school students in order to improve their diet
Combinación de ingredientes a base de polifenoles vegetales con aplicaciones y patologías asociadas a la obesidad
Consumo de productos para el tratamiento de la gripe y el resfriado en la población general
Consumption of multi-ingredient cold, flu and allergy products among general population
Effect of a combination of polyphenols derived from Hibiscus sabdariffa L and Lippia citriodora L on stage I hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial
El autismo y los metales pesados
En la cirrosis hepática, los niveles sistémicos de ácidos grasos de cadena corta se correlacionan inversamente con el nivel de endotoxemia y se asocian de forma negativa con una mayor respuesta inflamatoria, un mayor deterioro de la función hepática y un m mayor HVPG
Fruit-based drinks label scanning by high school students: An important tool to encourage a critical consumer purchase
In hepatic cirrhosis, the systemic levels of short chain fatty acids inversely correlate with the level of endotoxemia, and are negatively associated with an increased inflammatory response, impaired liver function and a higher HVPG
In hepatic cirrhosis, the systemic levels of short chain fatty acids inversely correlate with the level of endotoxemia, and are negatively associated with an increased inflammatory response, impaired liver function and a higher HVPG
Inhibition of glucolipotoxicity-induced metabolic stress by metabolites from Hibiscus sabdariffa on hypertrophied 3T3-L1 adipocytes
La interleucina 6 y el TNFalfa se asocian con el perímetro abdominal y el IMC en la estenosis simple y el Nash, respectivamente
La microbiota intestinal participa en la activación del inflamasoma durante el desarrollo de daño hepático genotóxico
Quercetin derivatives from Hibiscus sabdariffa to alleviate glucolipotoxicity-induced metabolic stress
taller de Integración Sensorial de los Alimentos en Niños con TEA
external project
invited conference
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technological support