selected publications
academic article
- Network structure of vertebrate scavenger assemblages at the global scale: drivers and ecosystem functioning implications. ECOGRAPHY. 1143-1155. 2020
- Scavenging in the Anthropocene: Human impact drives vertebrate scavenger species richness at a global scale. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 3005-3017. 2019
- Is diversionary feeding a useful tool to avoid human-ungulate conflicts? A case study with the aoudad. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH. 1-7. 2018
- Using network analysis to identify indicator species and reduce collision fatalities at wind farms. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 209-212. 2018
- Scavenging efficiency and red fox abundance in Mediterranean mountains with and without vultures. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 81-88. 2017
congress communication