selected publications
academic article
- A comparison of EKF and SGD applied to a view-based SLAM approach with omnidirectional images. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 108-119. 2014
- A modified stochastic gradient descent algorithm for view-based SLAM using omnidirectional images. INFORMATION SCIENCES. 326-337. 2014
- Appearance-based approach to hybrid metric-topological simultaneous localisation and mapping. IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. 688-699. 2014
- Performance of Global-Appearance Descriptors in Map Building and Localization using Omnidirectional Vision. SENSORS. 3033-3064. 2014
- Map building and localization using Global-Appearance Descriptors applied to panoramic images. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 55-71. 2012
- Visual odometry through appearance and feature-based method with omnidirectional images. JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS. 1-13. 2012
- Comparison of Appearance based topological mapping methods. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: THEORY AND APPLICATION . 38-47. 2010
- Map Building and Monte Carlo Localization Using Global Appearance of Omnidirectional Images. SENSORS. 11468-11497. 2010
- A Comparison of Appearance-Based Descriptors in a Visual SLAM Approach. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition.. 3187-3196. 2014
- Visual SLAM Based on Single Omnidirectional Views. Informatics in control Automation and Robotics. 131-145. 2014
congress communication
- SLAM Visual híbrido topológico-métrico mediante métodos basados en la apariencia visual. 107-113. 2014
- Software para el desarrollo de prácticas de creación de mapas y localización visual de un robot móvil. 86-93. 2014
- Towards relative altitude estimation in topological navigation tasks using the global appearance of visual information. 194-201. 2014
- A new resource in the teaching of a computer vision and robotics subject. 3074-3082. 2013
- An Educational software to develop robot mapping and localization practices using visual information. 174-179. 2013
- An educational software to compare appearance image descriptors in robot localization. 3097-3105. 2013
- Construcción de mapas topológicos y estimación de trayectorias usando descriptores de apariencia visual global. 834-841. 2013
- Solución al problema de SLAM empleando SGD con imágenes omnidireccionales. 634-641. 2013
- Visual Hybrid SLAM: An Appearance-based Approach to Loop Closure 2013
- Localización Monte Carlo a partir de la apariencia global de imágenes omnidireccionales. 743-750. 2012
- Monte Carlo Localization using the global Appearance of Omnidirectional Images.. 439-442. 2012
- SLAM con marcadores de realidad aumentada. 819-824. 2012
- View-based SLAM using Omnidirectional Images. 48-57. 2012
- An evaluation of weighting methods for appearance-based Monte Carlo localization using Omnidirectional images. 13-18. 2010
- Comparison of Mapping techniques in appearance-based topological maps creation 2010
- Creación de mapas topológicos incrementales mediante métodos basados en apariencia global 2010
- Design and development of a set of practical sessions in a robotics and computer vision subject. 193-201. 2010
- Experiences in the students assessment in a computer science applied to engineering subject. 228-233. 2010
- Robust methods for localization under changing illumination conditions. 223-228. 2010
- Software for the learning of Monte Carlo localization strategies using omnidirectional images. 1248-1257. 2010
- Visual map building and localization with an appearance-based approach. 423-426. 2010
- An educational tool for mobile robots remote interaction 2009
- Appearance-based dense maps creation: comparison of compression techniques with panoramic images. 250-255. 2009
- Creación de mapas densos basados en apariencia. 2009
- Modelado y simulación de un rodamiento a bolas con defecto en la pista externa 2009
- Software for the learning of appearance-based methods in computer vision and robotics. 48-57. 2009
- Using a remote laboratory for teaching laboratory practices in engineering courses. 4282-4292. 2009