selected publications
academic article
- Microbes go nano. MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY. 17-18. 2017
- Polyhydroxyalkanoate-associated phasins as phylogenetically heterogeneous, multipurpose proteins. MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY. 1323-1337. 2017
- Aromatic Esters of Bicyclic Amines: A New Generation of Antimicrobials against Streptococcus pneumoniae. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 13673-13677. 2015
- Micelle-Triggered b-Hairpin to a-Helix Transition in a 14-Residue Peptide from a Choline-Binding Repeat of the Pneumococcal Autolysin LytA. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. 8076-8089. 2015
- The loss of function of PhaC1 is a survival mechanism that counteracts the stress caused by the overproduction of poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates in Pseudomonas putida ¿fadBA. ENVIRON MICROBIOL. 3182-3194. 2015
- Crystal structures of CbpF complexed with atropine and ipratropium reveal clues for the design of novel antimicrobials against Streptococcus pneumoniae.. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS. 129-135. 2014
- Specific and reversible immobilization of proteins tagged to the affinity polypeptide C-LytA on functionalized graphite electrodes. PLOS ONE. 87995-88004. 2014
- Multivalent choline dendrimers increase phagocytosis of Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 by microglial cells. CHEMOTHERAPY. 138-142. 2013
- New Family of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Structural Characterization of the Major Phasin PhaF from Pseudomonas putida KT2440. PLOS ONE. 56904-56919. 2013
- Characterization of Snail nuclear import pathaways as representatives of C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE. 1452-1460. 2009
- Multivalent choline dendrimers as potent inhibitors of pneumococcal cell wall hydrolysis. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 948-951. 2009
- Affinity partitioning of proteins tagged with choline binding modules in aqueous two-phase systems. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A. 189-196. 2008
- Poly-3-hydroxyalkanoate synthases from Pseudomonas Putida U: substrate specificity and ultrastuctural studies. MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY. 170-176. 2008
- Rational stabilization of the C-LytA affinity tag by protein engineering. PROTEIN ENGINEERING DESIGN & SELECTION. 709-720. 2008
- Extensive unfolding of the C-LytA choline-binding module by submicellar concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulphate. FEBS LETTERS. 375-381. 2007
- Inhibition of pneumococcal choline-binding proteins and cell growth by esters of bicyclic amines. FEBS JOURNAL. 364-376. 2007
- Novel Approaches To Fight Streptococcus pneumoniae. RECENT PATENTS ON ANTI-INFECTIVE DRUG DISCOVERY. 188-196. 2007
- Accumulation of partly folded states in the equilibrium unfolding of the pneumococcal choline-binding module C-LytA. BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL. 479-488. 2005
- Modulation of pPS10 host range by plasmid-encoded RepA initiator protein. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY. 1367-1375. 2003
- Modulation of pPS10 host range by DnaA.. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY. 223-234. 2002
congress communication
- Actividad antimicrobiana in vitro de péptidos derivados de la auolisina LytA de Streptococcus pneumoniae 2017
- Addition of choline-binding modules (CBMs) causes aggregation and inhibition of cell separation in Streptococcus pneumoniae growth cultures 2017
- Antipneumococcal effect of peptides based on isolated choline-binding repeats. PHA-binding domains of phasins as antipneumococcal polypeptides 2017
- Externally added choline-binding modules (CBMs) target the pneumococcal cell wall and affect bacterial growth 2017
- La adición externa de módulos de unión a colina afecta al crecimiento de Streptococcus pneumoniae mediante la unión a la pared celular 2017
- PHA-binding domains of phasins as antipneumococcal polypeptides 2017
- A bioplastic-based enzymatic system for decolurization of wastewater dyes: use of bacterial laccases immobilized on polyhydroxybutyrate beads. 2016
- Exploring the chamaleonic behaviour of peptides derived from the choline-binding domain of pneumococcal autolysin LytA. 2016
- Targeting the pneumococcal cell wall. Effects of externally added proteins containing Choline-Binding Modules (CBMs) on the growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae. 129-129. 2016
- Unraveling the structural chameleonic behavior of peptides derived from the choline-binding repeats of pneumococcal autolysin LytA 2016
- Conformational plasticity of choline-binding modules: beta-hairpin to alpha-helix transition of choline-binding repeats triggered by detergent micelles and membrane vesicles 2015
- Esters of bicyclic amines: a new generation of antimicrobials against pneumococcus 2015
- On the interaction between the pneumococcal cell wall and the choline-binding modules (CBMs): evaluation of binding affinities and effect of externally added CBMs to bacterial cultures.. 66-66. 2015
- Structural duality in peptides derived from choline binding repeats 2015
- Structural duality in peptides derived from choline binding repeats 2015
- A new generation of antimicrobials against pneumococcus 2014
- Affinity purification of proteins tagged with choline binding modules in aqueous two-phase systems 2008
- Characterization of the PhaF phasin from Pseudomonas putida KT2442 and its binding to poly-3-hydroxyoctanoate polymers. 2008
- Characterization of the nuclear import pathways of the Snail superfamily of transcription factors. 2008
- Dendrimers as potent inhibitors of Streptococcus pneumoniae autolysis and cell division 2008
- Dendrimers as potent inhibitors of Streptococcus pneumoniae autolysis and cell division 2008
- Nanopartículas dendríticas como inhibidores de las enzimas líticas de la pared celular de neumococo. 2008
- Choline-derivatized dendrimers, a nanotechnological tool to fight pneumococcal diseases 2007
- Desplegamiento de C-LytA por SDS submicelar 2007
- Los módulos de unión a colina como método de inmovilización no covalente de proteínas en sistemas de alto rendimiento. 2007
- Pneumococcal choline-binding proteins as targets for new antimicrobials 2007
- Efecto del docecil sulfato sódico en el plegamiento, estabilidad y función del dominio de unión a colina C-LytA 2006
- Ingeniería de "tags" de afinidad: el módulo de unión a colina C-LytA 2006
- Ingeniería racional del "tag" de afinidad C-LytA 2006
- Inmovilización no covalente de proteínas en soportes simple 2006
- Potencial biotecnológico de los módulos de unión a colina 2006
- Potencial botecnológico de los módulos de unión a colina 2006
- Effect of sodium dodecyl sulphate on the folding, stability and function of the choline-binding domain C-LytA 2005
- Effect of sodium dodecyl sulphate on the folding, stability and function of the choline-binding domain C-LytA 2004
- Independencia estructural de los motivos de unión a colina del dominio C-LytA 2003
- Plegamiento del dominio de unión a colina C-LytA: un estudio en equilibrio 2002
- Dominios de afinidad a colina para mejorar la expresión, inmovilización y purificación de polipéptidos
- Procedimientos de separación de proteínas recombinantes en sistemas acuosos de dos fases
- Uso de un compuesto de fórmula (I) como bactericida frente a Streptococcus