publication venue for
- Obeisdad infantil. Riesgos y su proyección en el adulto. 2-2. 2005
- Changes in lipid profile in egg yolk according to bird feeding type.. 10-10. 2004
- Coeliac disease pediatric patients . 27-27. 2004
- Lactose intolerance . 1-1. 2004
- Usefulness of the breath hydrogen test in lactose intolernace. 17-17. 2004
- LDL Cholesterol receptor gene mutations. 10-10. 2003
- Long chain poly unsaturated fatty acids profile in dairy products. 29-29. 2003
- Nutrition in Childhood. 8-8. 2003
- Polisacáridos ditéticos: Perspectivas biológicas. 3-3. 2003
- The absorption of calcium and total fat in breast fed preterm infants. 9-9. 2003