publication venue for
- Evolution of Tactics in Professional Soccer: An Analysis of Team Formations from 2012 to 2021 in the Spanish LaLiga. 207-216. 2023
- Assessing the Sprint Force-Velocity Profile in International Football Players with Cerebral Palsy: Validity, Reliability and Sport Class¿ Profiles. 253-262. 2022
- Dynamic stretching increases the eccentric rate of force development, but not jump height in female volleyball players. 158-165. 2022
- Assessing Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Soccer Players: Magnitude, Direction and Association with Performance. 41-53. 2021
- Effects of Flywheel Resistance Training on Sport Actions. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 191-204. 2021
- Influence of the Strap Rewind Height During a Conical Pulley Exercise. 109-118. 2021
- Effects of Different Inertial Load Settings on Power Output Using a Flywheel Leg Curl Exercise and its Inter-Session Reliability. 215-226. 2020
- Effects of Resisted vs. Conventional Sprint Training on Physical Fitness in Young Elite Tennis Players. 181-192. 2020
- Influence of the Strap Rewind Height During a Conical Pulley Exercise.. 109-118. 2020
- Match and Training High Intensity Activity-Demands Profile during a Competitive Mesocycle in Youth Elite Soccer Players. 195-205. 2020
- Associations Between Self-Determined Motivation, Team Potency, and Self-Talk in Team Sports. 235-243. 2019
- Effect of performance speed on trunk movement control during the curl-up exercise. 29-37. 2015
- Effects of Unstable Conditions on Kinematics and Performance Variables in Young Handball Players. 39-48. 2015
- Effects of sled towing on peak force, the rate of force development and sprint performance during the acceleration phase. 139-148. 2015
- Inconsistencies of the Evaluation of Home Advantage in Sports Competitions Under the Three Points Per Victory System. 5-6. 2014
- Relationship between motor variability, accuracy, and ball speed in the tennis serve. 45-53. 2012