publication venue for
- Angiographic demonstration of Neoangiogenesis after intra-arterial infusion of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in diabetic patients with critical limb ischaemia. 1629-1639. 2019
- Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Towards Functional Pancreatic Beta-Cell Surrogates through Epigenetic Regulation of Pdx1 by Nitric Oxide. 1879-1892. 2019
- Human adult periodontal ligament-derived cell integrate and differentiate after implantation into the adult mammalian brain. 2017-2028. 2013
- Human adult periodental ligament-derived stem cells engraft and differentiate into the adult mammalian brain. 1-10. 2012
- Insulin secretion and glucose tolerance after islet transplantation in rats with noninsulin-dependent diabetes induced by neonatal streptozotocin. 23-32. 1997