publication venue for
- Non-destructive assessment of 'Fino' lemon quality through ripening using NIRS and chemometric analysis 2024
- How does the phytochemical composition of sprouts and microgreens from Brassica vegetables affect the sensory profile and consumer acceptability?. 112411-112412. 2023
- Melatonin as a new postharvest treatment for increasing cut carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) vase life. 11179-11187. 2022
- Preharvest or a combination of preharvest and postharvest treatments with methyl jasmonate reduced chilling injury, by maintaining higher unsaturated fatty acids, and increased aril colour and phenolics content in pomegranate. 1-8. 2020
- Maturity monitoring of intact fruit and arils of pomegranate cv. 'Mollar de Elche' using machine vision and chemometrics. 1-12. 2019
- Rosehip oil coating delays postharvest ripening and maintains quality of European and Japanese plum cultivars. 29-36. 2019
- Postharvest methyl salicylate treatments delay ripening and maintain quality attributes and antioxidant compounds of 'Early Lory' sweet cherry. 102-109. 2016
- Postharvest methyl salicylate treatments delay ripening and maintain quality attributes and antioxidant compounds of 'Early Lory¿ sweet cherry. 102-109. 2016
- Methyl salicylate treatments of sweet cherry trees increase antioxidant systems in fruit at harvest and during storage. 106-113. 2015
- Effect of oxalic acid on quality attributes of artichokes stored at ambient temperatura. 60-63. 2014
- Preharvest application of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in two plum cultivars. 1. Improvement of fruit growth and quality attributes at harvest . 98-105. 2014
- Preharvest application of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in two plum cultivars. 2. Improvement of fruit quality and antioxidant systems during postharvest storage . 115-122. 2014
- The addition of rosehip oil improves the beneficial effect of Aloe vera gel on delaying ripening and maintanining postharvest quality of several stonefruit. 23-28. 2014
- Aloe arborescens and Aloe vera gels as coatings in delaying postharvest ripening in peach and plum fruit. . 54-57. 2013
- Aloe vera gel coating maintains quality and safety of ready-to-eat pomegranate arils. 107-112. 2013
- Effects of alginate edible coating on preserving fruit quality in four plum cultivars during postharvest storage. 1-6. 2013
- Mining the apple genome reveals a family of nine ethylene receptor genes. 42-46. 2012
- Acetyl salicylic acid alleviates chilling injury and maintains nutritive and bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity during postharvest storage of pomegranates. 131-136. 2011
- Modified atmosphere packaging of yellow and purple plum cultivars. 1. Effect on organoleptic quality. 103-109. 2011
- Modified atmosphere packaging of yellow and purple plum cultivars. 2. Effect on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. 110-116. 2011
- Antifungal efficacy of Aloe vera in vitro and its use as a preharvest treatment to. 183-188. 2010
- Changes in hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity and related bioactive compounds during postharvest storage of yellow and purple plum cultivars. 354-363. 2009
- Development of a carbon-heat hybrid ethylene scrubber for fresh horticultural. 200-205. 2009
- Effect od salicylic acid treatment on reducing chilling injury in stored pomegranates. 152-154. 2009
- Effect of ethylene concentration on quality parameters of fresh tomatoes stored using a carbon-heat hybrid ethylene scrubber. 206-211. 2009
- The use of natural fungicide as an alternative to prharvest syntetic fungicide treatments to control lettuce deterioration during portharvest storage.. 54-60. 2008
- Efficacy of 1-MCP treatment in tomato fruit 1. Duration and concentration of 1-MCP treatment to gain an effective delay of postharvest ripening.. 23-27. 2007
- Pre-storage application of polyamines by pressure or immersion improves shelf-life of pomegranate stored at chilling temperature by increasing endogenous polyamine levels. 26-33. 2007
- Reduction of pomegranate chilling injury during storage after heat treatments: Role of polyamines. 19-25. 2007
- The effect of beta ionization on the antioxidant potential of `Búlida¿ apricot and its relationship with quality. 63-70. 2007
- Efficacy of 1-MCP treatment in tomato fruit 2. Effect of cultivar and ripening stage at harvest. 235-242. 2006
- Maintenance of broccoli quality and functional properties during cold storage as affected by modified atmosphere packaging. 61-68. 2006
- Postharvest sweet cherry quality and safety maintenance by Aloe vera treatment: A new edible coating . 93-100. 2006
- The combination of midified atmosphere packaging with eugenol or thymol to maintain quality, safety and functional properties of table grapes. 317-327. 2006
- Could the 1-MCP treatment effectiveness in plum be affected by packaging. 295-303. 2004
- Role of calcium and heat treatments in alleviating physiological changes induced by mechanical damage in plum. 155-167. 2004
- Effects of exogenous putrescine on improving shelf life of four plum cultivars. 259-271. 2003
- Forced-air cooling applied before fruit handling to prevent mechanical damage of plums (Prunus salicina Lindl.). 135-142. 2003
- Physiological changes in pepino (Solanum muricatum Ait.) fruit stored at chilling and non-chilling temperatures. 177-186. 2003
- Role of polyamines in extending shelf life and the reduction of mechanical damage during plum (prunus salicina lindl.) storage.. 25-32. 2002
- Preservative solutions containing boric acid delay senescence of carnatio flowers.. 133-142. 2001