publication venue for
- Keep calm and carry H3K27me1 off. 2829-2832. 2024
- Keep calm and make neurons: The effects of glucocorticoids on human cortical neurogenesis. 1373-1375. 2024
- Erbb4 deletion from fast-spiking interneurons causes schizophrenia-like phenotypes. . 1152-1168. 2023
- CyclinD2-mediated regulation of neurogenic output from the retinal ciliary margin is perturbed in albinism. 1-22. 2022
- Protomapped by the pros: Proneural factors pattern cortex folding. 2797-2799. 2021
- Spontaneous activity in developing thalamic and cortical sensory networks. 2519-2534. 2021
- Neural Stem Cells Direct Axon Guidance via Their Radial Fiber Scaffold. 1197-1211. 2020
- Neural Stem Cells Direct Axon Guidance via Their Radial Fiber Scaffold.. 1197-1211. 2020
- Remotely Produced and Axon-Derived Netrin-1 Instructs GABAergic Neuron Migration and Dopaminergic Substantia Nigra Development. 684-702. 2020
- Long-Range Guidance of Spinal Commissural Axons by Netrin1 and Sonic Hedgehog from Midline Floor Plate Cells. 635-647. 2019
- Synergistic Activity of Floor-Plate- and Ventricular-Zone-Derived Netrin-1 in Spinal Cord Commissural Axon Guidance. 625-634. 2019
- Shh-ushing Midline Crossing through Remote Protein Transport. 256-258. 2018
- Building Bridges through Science. 730-735. 2017
- LTP requires unique postsynaptic SNARE fusion machinery. 542-558. 2017
- Mechanisms for Selective Single-Cell Reactivation during Offline Sharp-Wave Ripples and Their Distortion by Fast Ripples. 1234-1247. 2017
- Neuroscience needs behavior: correcting a reductionist bias . 480-490. 2017
- Retinoic Acid and LTP Recruit Postsynaptic AMPA Receptors Using Distinct SNARE-Dependent Mechanisms. 442-456. 2017
- How Azobenzene Photoswitches Restore Visual Responses to the Blind Retina. 100-113. 2016
- Non-canonical signaling, the hidden life of ligand-gated ion channels.. 316-329. 2016
- A high resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the C57BI/6J developing mouse brain. 309-323. 2014
- Statistical wiring of thalamic receptive fields optimizes spatial sampling of the retinal image. 943-956. 2014
- Zic2 controls the formation of major ipsilateral tracts in the CNS through active midline avoidance . 1392-1406. 2014
- A new beginning for a broken mind: balancing neuregulin 1 reverses synaptic dysfunction. 577-579. 2013
- Contact Repulsion Controls the Dispersion and Final Distribution of Cajal-Retzius Cells. 457-471. 2013
- Erbb4 deletion from fast-spiking interneurons causes schizophrenia-like phenotypes. 1152-1168. 2013
- Integration of GABAergic interneurons into cortical cell assemblies: lessons from embryos and adults. 849-864. 2013
- Kainate receptors in health and disease. 292-311. 2013
- Zic2-dependent axon midline avoidance controls the formation of major ipsilateral tracts in the CNS. 1392-1406. 2013
- Slit/Robo signaling modulates the proliferation of central nervous system progenitors. 338-352. 2012
- Cxcr7 controls neuronal migration by regulating chemokine responsiveness. 77-90. 2011
- Slit2 activity in the migration of guidepost neurons ahapes thalamic projections during development and evolution. 1085-1098. 2011
- New neurons clear the path of astrocytic processes for their rapid migration in the adult brain. 213-223. 2010
- A role for SNAP25 in internalization of kainate receptors and synaptic plasticity.. 357-371. 2009
- Sphingosine facilitates SNARE complex assembly and activates synaptic vesicle exocytosis. 683-694. 2009
- Diverse and Temporally Precise Kinetic Feature Selectivity in the VPm Thalamic Nucleus. 890-903. 2008
- Postmitotic Nkx2-1 controls the migration of telenphalic interneurons by direct repression of guidance receptors.. 733-745. 2008
- Block of kainate receptor desensitization uncovers a key trafficking checkpoint.. 1037-1046. 2006
- Developmental mechanisms underlying the generation of cortical interneuron diversity. 377-381. 2005
- Gene expression profiling of facilitated L-LTP in VP16-CREB mice reveals that BDNF is critical for both the maintenance of LTP and for its synaptic capture. . 123-137. 2005
- Molecular mechanism of AMPA receptor noncompetitive antagonism.. 279-288. 2005
- Activated CREB is sufficient to overcome inhibitors in myelin and promote spinal axon regeneration in vivo. . 609-621. 2004
- Chromatin acetylation, memory, and LTP are impaired in CBP+/- mice: a model for the cognitive deficit in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome and its amelioration. 947-959. 2004
- Short-and long-range attraction fo cortical GABAergic interneurons by neuregulin-1. 251-261. 2004
- A celebration of the new head and an evaluation of the new mouth. 895-898. 2003
- Thalamocortical Topography Reloaded: It¿s not where you got but how you get there. 387-394. 2003
- Thalamocortical topography reloaded: it. 388-391. 2003
- Endogenous calcium buffers regulate the size of the rapidly-releasable pool of vesicles in the synaptic terminal of a retinal neuron.. 101-112. 2002
- Neural plate regionalization in the absense of node and primitive streak. An experimental study on cripto knockout embryo. 2002
- Construction of complex receptive fields in cat primary visual cortex. 515-525. 2001
- Molecular biology of axon guidance. 1039-1048. 1996