publication venue for
- Measuring input-specific productivity change based on the principle of least action. 17-31. 2017
- Revisiting the decomposition of cost efficiency for non-homothetic technologies: a directional distance function approach. 133-146. 2017
- Introduction to the special issue. 251-255. 2013
- The directional profit efficiency measure: on why profit inefficiency is either technical or allocative. 257-266. 2013
- Families of linear efficiency programs based on Debreu¿s loss function. 109-120. 2012
- Modeling CRS bounded additive DEA models and characterizing their Pareto-efficient points 2012
- BAM: a bounded adjusted measure of efficiency for use with bounded additive models . 85-94. 2011
- Closest targets and minimum distance to the Pareto-efficient frontier in DEA. 209-218. 2007
- Relating Macroeconomic Efficiency to Financial Efficiency: A Comparison of fifteen OECD Countries over an eighteen Year Period . 67-78. 2006
- An efficiency comparison of European Banking systems operating under different environmental conditions.. 59-77. 2002
- The Range Adjusted Measure (RAM) in DEA: A response to the Comment by Steinmann and Zweifel. 145-152. 2001