publication venue for
- Unravelling the contribution of the Penicillium expansum PeSte12 transcription factor to virulence during apple fruit infection. 123-135. 2017
- Effective chemical control of psychrotrophic Bacillus cereus EPSO-35AS and INRA TZ415 spore outgrowth in carrot broth. 714-721. 2008
- Incorporation of citrus fibers in fermented milk containing probiotic bacteria. 13-21. 2008
- Survival, isolation and characterization of a psychrotrophic Bacillus cereus strain from a mayonnaise-based ready-to-eat vegetable salad. 671-677. 2007
- Modelling the influence of electron beam irradiation on the heat resistance of Bacillus cereus spores. 367-371. 2006
- Synergistic bactericidal effect of Carbacrol, Cinnamaldehyde or Thymol and refrigeration to inhibit Bacillus cereus in carrot broth. 68-73. 2006
- Modeling the influence of bean irradiation on the heat resistence of Bacillus cereus spores 2005
- Control of Lactobacillus plantarum and Escherichia coli by pulsed electric fields in orange-carrot juice. 519-525. 2004
- Control of Lactobacillus plantarum and Escherichia coli by pulsed electric fields in orange-carrot juice.. 519-525. 2004
- Control of Enterobacter aerogenes by high-intensity, pulsed electric fields in horchata, a Spanish low-acid vegetable beverage. 105-110. 2003
- Elimination of Bacillus cereus contamination in raw rice by electron beam irradiation. 327-332. 2003
- Characterization of Bacillus cereus isolates from fresh vegetables and refrigerated minimally processed foods by biochemical and physiological tests.. 491-499. 2002
- Enumeration, isolation and characterization of Bacillus cereus strains from Spanish raw rice.. 589-595. 2002
- Growth of Bacillus cereus in natural and acidified carrot substrates over the temperature range 5-30ºC. 605-612. 2000