publication venue for
- No accelerated progression of subclinical atherosclerosis with integrase strand transfer inhibitors compared to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 2024
- Real-world effectiveness of early anti-SARS therapy in severely immunocompromised COVID-19 outpatients during the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant era: a propensity score¿adjusted retrospective cohort study. 1-6. 2024
- Effectiveness and tolerability of dolutegravir/lamivudine for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in clinical practice. 1423-1432. 2023
- Effectiveness and tolerability of dolutegravir/lamivudine for the treatment of HIV-1infection in clinical practice 2023
- Long-term effects on subclinical cardiovascular disease of switching from boosted protease inhibitors to dolutegravir. 2361-2365. 2023
- . Integrase inhibitors in children and adolescents: clinical use and resistance.. 2784-2792. 2022
- Atherogenicity of low-density lipoproteins after switching from a protease inhibitor to dolutegravir: a substudy of the NEAT022 study. 1980-1988. 2022
- Integrase inhibitors in children and adolescents: clinical use and resistance 2022
- Resistance to empirical ß-lactams recommended in febrile neutropenia guidelines in Gram-negative bacilli bloodstream infections in Spain: a multicentre study. 2017-2023. 2022
- Survival benefit of remdesivir in hospitalized COVID-19 patients with high SARS-CoV-2 viral and low-grade systemic inflammation. 2257-2264. 2022
- Survival benefit of remdesivir in hospitalized COVID-19 patients with high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads and low-grade systemic inflammation. 2257-2264. 2022
- Dynamics of creatinine estimated glomerular filtration rate using one or more antiretrovirals that inhibit creatinine tubular secretion. 1046-1050. 2021
- Prevalence of M184V and K65R in proviral DNA from PBMCs in HIV-infected youths with lamivudine/emtricitabine exposure. 1886-1892. 2021
- Redefining therapeutic success in HIV patients: an expert view. 2501-2518. 2021
- Switching from boosted PIs to dolutegravir decreases soluble CD14 and adiponectin in high cardiovascular risk people living with HIV. 2380-2393. 2021
- Effectiveness and safety of first-line antiretroviral regimens in clinical practice: a multicentre cohort study. 3004-3014. 2020
- Effectiveness and safety of first-line antiretroviral regimens in clinical practice: a multicentre cohort study.. 3004-3014. 2020
- Effectiveness of boosted darunavir plus rilpivirine in patients with long-lasting HIV-1 infection: DARIL study. 1955-1960. 2020
- Factors associated with the number of drugs in darunavir/cobicistat regimens.. 208-214. 2020
- Physicians opinions on generic antiretroviral drugs and single-tablet regimen de-simplification for the treatment of HIV infection: a multicentre survey in Spain. 466-472. 2020
- Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of ritonavir-boosted darunavir in the presence of raltegravir or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine in HIV-infected adults and the relationship with virological response: a sub-study of the NEAT001/ANRS143 randomized trial. 628-639. 2020
- Primary resistance to integrase strand transfer inhibitors in Spain using ultrasensitive HIV-1 genotypingensitive HIV-1 genotyping. 3517-3524. 2020
- Rectal and seminal HIV-1 RNA decay towards virological suppression in infected MSM initiating dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine. 668-674. 2020
- Switching from boosted PIs to dolutegravir in HIV-infected patients with high cardiovascular risk: 48 week effects on subclinical cardiovascular disease. 3334-3343. 2020
- The algorithm used for the interpretation of doravirine transmitted drug resistance strongly influences clinical practice and guideline recommendations. 1294-1300. 2020
- Clinical experience with integrase inhibitors in HIV-2-infected individuals in Spain. 1357-1362. 2019
- Factors associated with the number of drugs in darunavir/cobicistat regimens 2019
- Outcomes by sex following treatment initiation with darunavir/cobicistat in a large Spanish cohort of the CODAR study (GeSIDA 9316). 3044-3048. 2019
- Physicians' opinions on generic antiretroviral drugs and single-tablet regimen de-simplification for the treatment of HIV infection: a multicentre survey in Spain 2019
- Surveillance of transmitted drug resistance to integrase inhibitors in Spain: implications for clinical practice. 1693-1700. 2019
- Neurocognitive safety after 96 weeks on dual therapy with atazanavir/ritonavir plus lamivudine: results of the neurocognitive substudy of the SALT randomized clinical trial. 2444-2451. 2018
- Dual therapy (atazanavir/ritonavir¿+¿lamivudine) versus standard triple therapy [atazanavir/ritonavir¿+¿two nucleos(t)ides] in virologically stable patients on antiretroviral therapy: 96 week results from an open-label, non-inferiority, randomized clinical trial (SALT study). 246-253. 2017
- Simplification to dual therapy (atazanavir/ritonavir¿+¿lamivudine) versus standard triple therapy [atazanavir/ritonavir¿+¿two nucleos(t)ides] in virologically stable patients on antiretroviral therapy: 96 week results from an open-label, non-inferiority, randomized clinical trial (SALT study). 246-253. 2017
- Effectiveness and safety of an abacavir/lamivudine+rilpivirine regimen for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in naive patients. 3510-3514. 2016
- Withdrawing inactive NRTIs in HIV-1 subjects with suppressed viraemia: a randomized trial.. 1346-1351. 2016
- Virological failure to raltegravir in Spain: incidence, prevalence and clinical consequences. 3087-3095. 2015
- Dosing regimen of meropenem for adults with severe burns: a population PK study with Monte Carlo simulations. 1-10. 2014
- HIV-2 viral tropism influences CD4+ T cell count regardless of viral load. . 2191-2194. 2014
- Long-term effects of an intensive intervention in HIV-infected patients with moderate-high atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk. 3051-3056. 2014
- Resistance to the most recent protease and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors across HIV-1 non-B subtypes. 1994-2002. 2013
- Efficacy and safety of rilpivirine in treatment-naive, HIV-1-infected patients with hepatitis B virus/hepatitis C virus coinfection enrolled in the Phase III randomized, double-blind ECHO and THRIVE trials.. 2020-2028. 2012
- Endothelial function in HIV-infected patients switching from a boosted protease inhibitor-based regimen to raltegravir: a substudy of the SPIRAL study 2012
- Genetic environment and location of the lnu(A) and lnu(B). 2604-2608. 2012
- Pharmacokinetics of doripenem in CSF of patients with non-inflamed meninges.. 1722-1729. 2012
- Comparison of the bactericidal activity of various fluoroquinolones against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an in vitro experimental model. 2281-2283. 2011
- Drug resistance mutations in patients infected with HIV-2 living in Spain.. 1484-1488. 2011
- Fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae over 18 years: effect of different systems for eliminating duplicates. 2182-2184. 2011
- Impact of early oseltamivir treatment on outcome in critically ill patients with 2009 pandemic influenza A. 1140-1149. 2011
- Treatment for hepatitis C virus with pegylated interferon-¿ plus ribavirin induces anti-atherogenic effects on cardiovascular risk biomarkers in HIV-infected and -uninfected patients.. 1861-1868. 2011
- Uptake of the antileishmania drug tafenoquine follows a sterol-dependent diffusion process in Leishmania.. 2562-2565. 2011
- The future of antiretroviral therapy: challenges and needs. 827-835. 2010
- A pilot randomized trial comparing an intensive versus a standard intervention in stable HIV-infected patients with moderate-high cardiovascular risk. 589-598. 2009
- Effect of Replacing Glutamic Residues upon the Biological Activity and Stability of the circular Enterocin AS-48.. 1256-1265. 2008
- Prevalence of X4 tropic viruses in patients recently infected with HIV-1 and lack of association with transmission of drug resistance. 698-704. 2007
- Pharmacokinetic studies of linezolid and teicoplanin in the critically ill. 333-340. 2005
- Mutant prevention concentration: comparison of fluoroquinolones and linezolid with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 441-444. 2004
- Criteria of time and antibiotic susceptibility in the elimination of duplicates when calculating resístance frequencies. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2003; 52: 132-134.. 132-134. 2003