publication venue for
- Seasonal variability of aerosol absorption parameters at a remote site with high mineral dust loads. 100-109. 2018
- Influence of air mass origins on optical properties and PM concentrations measured at a high mountain station located in the southwestern Mediterranean. 244-254. 2017
- Particle optical properties at a Central Mediterranean site: impact of advection routes and local meteorology. 152-167. 2014
- Air mass origin and its influence on radionuclide activities (7Be and 210Pb) in aerosol particles at a coastal site in the western Mediterranean. 205-214. 2011
- Influence of meteorological variability upon aerosol mass size distribution. 330-337. 2009
- Factors Affecting Levels of Aerosol Sulfate and Nitrate on the Western Mediterranean Coast. 305-313. 2008