publication venue for
- Poisson mixed models for studying the poverty in small areas.. 32-47. 2017
- Multivariate Fay-Herriot models for small area estimation. 372-390. 2016
- Information criteria for Fay-Herriot model selection. 268-280. 2014
- Small area estimation with spatio-temporal Fay-Herriot models. 308-325. 2013
- Small area estimation of poverty proportions under area-level time models. 2840-2855. 2012
- Analytic and Bootstrap Approximations of Prediction Errors under a Multivariate Fay-Herriot Model. 5242-5252. 2008
- Estimation of the mean squared error of predictors of small area linear parameters under a logistic mixed model. 2720-2733. 2007
- A decision support system methodology for forecasting of time series based on soft computing. 177-191. 2006
- MCMC methods to approximate conditional predictive distributions. 621-640. 2006
- Choosing the best Rukhin goodness-of-fit statistics. 643-662. 2005
- MCMC Methods to approximate conditional predictive distributions 2005