publication venue for
- Fossil or non-fossil? A best-practice guide for archaeobotanical taxa. 1-6. 2023
- Nomenclature and typification of Phoenix senegalensis (Arecaceae). 370-378. 2019
- Typification of Salvia ×auriculata (Labiatae). 394-397. 2019
- (2238) Proposal to conserve Phoenix canariensis against P. cycadifolia (Arecaceae). 1337-1338. 2014
- : A review of the nomenclature and typification of the Canary Islands endemic palm, Phoenix canariensis (Arecaceae). 1275-1282. 2014
- (1581) Proposal to conserve the name Capparis cartilaginea against C. inermis (Capparaceae). 357-357. 2003
- The typification of Capparis inermis Forssk., C. sinaica Veill. and C. cartilaginea Decne. (Capparaceae). 307-311. 2003