publication venue for
- Lung adenocarcinoma: characteristic radiological presentations. 1-13. 2023
- Predictors of atrial fibrillation recurrence after pulmonary vein ablation: Clinical and radiological risk factors. 1-11. 2023
- Prevalence and prognostic meaning of interstitial lung abnormalities in remate CT scans of patients with interstitial lung disease treated with antifibrotic therapy. . 1-14. 2023
- Prevalencia y significado pronóstico de las alteraciones pulmonares intersticiales precoces en TC de pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial tratados con antifibróticos 2023
- Pulmonary CT angiography in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparison between patients with and without infection and with a pre-pandemic series.. 222-229. 2023
- Neumonía organizada. 1-10. 2022
- Pulmonary CT angiography in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: comparison between patients with and without infection and with a pre-pandemic series. 1-8. 2022
- Cuando la neumonía no es COVID19. 180-192. 2021
- Presentación de la serie «Radiología y COVID-19»: Lecciones el punto de vista del radiólogo. 502-502. 2021
- Cuando la neumonía no es COVID-19. 1-29. 2020
- Presentation of the Serie «Radiology and COVID-19» Lessons learned from COVID-19: the radiologist¿s point of view. 502-503. 2020
- Computed tomography protocols used in staging bronchopulmonary carcinoma: results of a national survey. 2016