publication venue for
- Global range dynamics of the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) from the Last Glacial Maxima to climate change scenarios 2022
- Low-frequency, threatened habitats drive the large-scale distribution of Andean Condors in southern Patagonia. 1-12. 2017
- Allometric deviations of plasma carotenoids in raptors. 668-675. 2014
- Interactive effects of obligate scavenger and community richness on carcass consumption patterns. 881-885. 2013
- Long-term relationship between diet breadth and breeding success in a declining population of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus 2011
- An empirical demonstration of the ideal free distribution: Little Grebes Tachybaptus ruficollisbreeding in intensive agricultural landscapes 2010