publication venue for
- Renal agenesis, associated genital malformations and responsible genes.. 1988-1989. 2021
- insulin, androgens, and obesity in womwn with and without polycystic ovary sindrome: a heterogeneous group of disorders. 32-40. 2015
- A low intake of antioxidant nutrients is associated with poor semen quality in patients attending fertility clinics.. 1128-1133. 2010
- Criteria for the polycystic ovary syndrome. 14-15. 2009
- Impact of anthropometric parameters o quality of life during menopause. . 1947-1952. 2009
- Low Intake of Antioxidant Nutrients is Associated with Poor Semen Quality in Patients Attending Fertility Clinics. 1-6. 2009
- MÜLLERIAN ANOMALIES. 2369-2375. 2009
- A low intake of antioxidant nutrients is associated with poor semen quality in patients attending fertility clinics. 1-6. 2008
- Details of genital tract malformations. 466-467. 2008
- More to be llearned about female and male genital tact malformations. 459-460. 2008
- Müllerian anomalies "without a classification": from the didelphys-unicollis uterus to the bicervical uterus with or without septate vagina.. 1-7. 2008
- Aromatase expression in endometriotic tissues and its relationship to clinical and analytical findings.. 32-38. 2007
- Malformations of the female genital tract: always be alert for surprises!. 766-767. 2007
- More on genital tract malformations- always room for debate. 767-768. 2007
- Sperm immobilized before intracytoplasmic sperm injection undergo ultrastructural damage and acrosomal disruption. 702-705. 2007
- The importance of being precise about Müllerian malformations. 1556-1557. 2006
- Changes in cytokine levels of patients weth ovarian endometriosis after treatment with gonadotropin-realeasing hormone analogue, ultrasound-guided drainage, and intracystic recombinant interleukin-2. 873-877. 2005
- Changes in cytokine levels of patients with ovarian endometriosis after treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue, ultrasound-guided drainage, and intracystic recombinant interleukin-2. . 873-877. 2005
- A multilingual-lexicon for reproductive medicine.. 1723-1723. 2004
- Analysis of factors influencing pregnancy rates in homologous intrauterine insemination.. 1308-1313. 2004
- Use of intraperitoneal interferon alpha-2b therapy after conservative surgery for endometriosis and postoperative medical treatment with depot gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog: a randomized clinical trial.. 705-711. 2002