publication venue for
- Long-term Evaluation of Fistulotomy and Immediate Sphincteroplasty as a Treatment for Complex Anal Fistula. 1-12. 2021
- Treatment of a large enterocele by laparoscopic ventral rectopexy. 725-726. 2021
- A Proposal for Novel Standards of Histopathology Reporting for D3 Lymphadenectomy in Right Colon Cancer: The Mesocolic Sail and Superior Right Colic Vein Landmarks. 450-460. 2020
- Simulation of Supralevator Abscesses and Complex Fistulas in Cadavers: Pelvic Dissemination and Drainage Routes. 1102-1107. 2018
- Multicenter study of outcome in relation to the type of resection in rectal cancer.. 811-822. 2014
- Perianal versus endoanal apllication of glyceryl trinitrate 0.4% ointment in the treatment of chronic anal fissure: results of a randomized controlled trial. Is this the solution to the headaches?. 893-899. 2012
- Long-term Clinical Results of Double-pursestring Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy in a Selected Group of Patients for the Treatment of Chronic Hemorrhoids. 609-614. 2011
- Stapled endorectal mucosectomy for high extrasphinteric fistula-in ano: preliminary report. 519-523. 2006
- Stapled endorectal mucosectomy for high extrasphinteric fistula-in-ano:preliminary report 2005