Research Report
academic article
- Analysis of the Arabidopsis venosa4-0 mutant supports the role of VENOSA4 in dNTP metabolism
- Organelle Genetics in Plants 2.0
- The genetic and molecular basis of haploinsufficiency in flowering plants
- The unequal functional redundancy of Arabidopsis INCURVATA11 and CUPULIFORMIS2 is not dependent on genetic background
- Versatile mapping-by-sequencing with Easymap v.2
congress communication
- Análisis in silico del gen RPL31 de Arabidopsis thaliana
- Artificial microRNAs designed to circumvent the lethality of null alleles of genes encoding ribosome biogenesis factors in Arabidopsis
- Artificial microRNAs designed to circumvent the lethality of null alleles of genes encoding ribosome biogenesis factors in Arabidopsis
- Contribución a la identificación de reguladores de la biogénesis del ribosoma 80S en Arabidopsis thaliana.
- Cross-kingdom conservation of Arabidopsis RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S24 (RPS24) function in 18S rRNA maturation
- Cytokinins in simple leaf margin morphogenesis
- EODL synergistically interacts with VCC in Arabidopsis leaf margin morphogenesis
- Evolutionary conservation of the Arabidopsis PHOSPHORYLATED ADAPTOR FOR RNA EXPORT (PHAX) function
- Functional conservation of Arabidopsis VENOSA4 (VEN4) and human SAMHD1 in DNA repair
- Functional conservation of Arabidopsis VENOSA4 (VEN4) and human SAMHD1 in DNA repair
- Genetic characterization of RIBOSOMAL RNA PROCESSING 8 (RRP8), a putative ribosome biogenesis factor in Arabidopsis
- Genetic characterization of RIBOSOMAL RNA PROCESSING 8 (RRP8), a putative ribosome biogenesis factor in Arabidopsis
- Identification of novel Arabidopsis DEN genes that interact with AS1 and AS2
- Mapping-by-sequencing platform at IB-UMH
- Morphometry of bilateral symmetry and margin complexity in Arabidopsis leaves
- Postembryonic developmental roles of the Arabidopsis KEU gene
- Subcellular localization of Arabidopsis ribosome biogenesis factors
- Subcellular localization of the Arabidopsis VCC protein and its interaction with PIN1
- The unequal functional redundancy between the Arabidopsis ICU11 and CP2 putative PRC2 accessory proteins is not dependent on genetic background
- Uncovering regulators of ribosome biogenesis in Arabidopsis
- Uncovering regulators of ribosome biogenesis in Arabidopsis
- Unraveling the role of the CAX-INTERACTING PROTEIN 4 (CXIP4) gene in Arabidopsis RNA metabolism
- Unraveling the role of the CAX-INTERACTING PROTEIN 4 (CXIP4) gene in Arabidopsis RNA metabolism
person (active)
research project