Research Report
academic article
- Assessments in public procurement procedures
- Cooperative Purchasing games with general discount: a game theoretical approach
- Incremental Decision Rules Algorithm: A Probabilistic and Dynamic Approach to Decisional Data Stream Problems
- Infrastructure access charges, service differentiation, and strategic competition in the EU railway passenger market.
- Learning and Applying Cooperative Solutions: A Classroom Experiment on Transportation Games
- Multi-issue bankruptcy problems with crossed claims
- New RED-type TCP-AQM algorithms based on beta distribution drop functions
- Quality aspects to consider in flaxseed as a valid omega-3 dietary supplement: A randomized controlled trial.
- Respuesta de la calidad de la fruta del albaricoque a las mallas protectoras
- Strong Players and Stable Coalition Structures in PMAS Profit Game
- The effect of consolidated periods in heterogeneous lot sizing games
congress communication
- Algoritmo Incremental de reglas de clasificación para la toma de decisiones basadas en distribuciones probabilísticas
- Allocation of greenhouse gases using bankruptcy methods
- Allocation rules based on priority when claimants can¿t get all they could
- Cooperative Purchasing with General Discount: A Game Theoretical Approach
- Cooperative Purchasing with General Discount: Equal versus Different Price allocations
- Cooperative Purchasing with general discount: a game theoretical approach
- Design of water quality policies based on proportionality in multi-issue problems with crossed claims
- Dynamic Generation of Revenue through the insertion of advertisements into video contents
- Equal Price versus Different Price allocations in Purchasing Groups
- Garbling an evaluation to retain an advantage
- Innovation, Research and Development in Engineering Education. Activities of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society
- Mixed vs Private Oligopoly to Deter Collusion in Electric Power Markets
- Mixed vs Private Oligopoly to Deter Collusion in Electric Power Markets
- Mixed vs Private Oligopoly to Deter Collusion in Electric Power Markets.
- Problemas de bancarrota con restricciones en las retiradas
- Reglas de bancarrota para situaciones con demandas no aditivas
- Transformando las organizaciones
external project
person (active)
research project
thrid party project