Research Report
academic article
- tt
- Comments on: Deville and Särndal¿s calibration: revisiting a 25 years old successful optimization problem.
- Evaluation of agomelatine for the treatment of sleep problems in adults with autism spectrum disorder and co-morbid intellectual disability
- Genetic contribution in low back pain: a prospective genetic association study
- OPRM1 GeneInteraction with Sleep in Chronic Pain Patients Treated with Opioids
- Pharmacogenetics and prediction of adverse events in prescription opioid use disorder patients
- Poisson mixed models for predicting number of fires
- Small area estimation under unit-level temporal linear mixed models
congress communication
- Desprescripción y marcadores farmacogenéticas en pacientes con dependencia a opioides de prescripción
- Does silent pituitary neuroendocrine tumors show lower specific adenohypophyseal gene hormone expression than functioning ones?
- Does silent pituitary neuroendocrine tumors show lower specific adenohypophyseal gene hormone expression than functioning ones?
- Farmacogenética aplicada a la efectividad de tapentadol en dolor crónico no oncológico
- Feature selection to optimize credit banking risk evaluation decisions in home equity loans
- Functions apply of R for SAE
- R functions for direct and indirect estimation based on the sample design
- Small area estimation based on a multivariate Normal mixture model
- Small area estimation of household expenditures based on a bivariate nested error regression model
- Small area estimation of household expenditures based on a bivariate nested error regression model.
- Small area estimation under a measurement error bivariate Fay-Herriot model
- Small area estimation under a measurement error bivariate Fay-Herriot model
- Small area estimation under bivariate nested error regression models
- Small area estimation under unit-level temporal linear mixed models
- Three types of unit-level gamma mixed models for small area estimation
person (active)
research project
technological support