Research Report
academic article
- Acetaminophen-induced liver damage in hepatic steatosis.
- Actual Anti-TNF Trough Levels Relate to Serum IL-10 in Drug-Responding Patients With Crohn's Disease.
- Aging Influences Hepatic Microvascular Biology and Liver Fibrosis in Advanced Chronic Liver Disease.
- Bacterial DNA translocation contributes to systemic inflammation and to minor changes in the clinical outcome of liver transplantation
- Bacterial DNA translocation contributes to systemic inflammation and to minor changes in the clinical outcome of liver transplantation.
- Circulating levels of butyrate are inversely related to portal hypertension, endotoxemia, and systemic inflammation in patients with cirrhosis.
- Cytokine levels predict 30-day mortality in octogenarians and nonagenarians with community-acquired pneumonia: a retrospective observational study
- Determinants of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis
- Ecdysone-Induced 3D Chromatin Reorganization Involves Active Enhancers Bound by Pipsqueak and Polycomb.
- Editorial: The IL-20 Cytokines and Related Family Members in Immunity and Diseases.
- FXR-modulates the gut-vascular barrier by regulating the entry sites for bacterial translocation in experimental cirrhosis.
- Food protein induced enterocolitis-like syndrome in a population of adolescents and adults caused by seafood
- Identification of bacterial DNA in the peripheral blood of patients with active hidradenitis suppurativa
- Improved hemodynamic and liver function in portal hypertensive cirrhotic rats after administration of B. pseudocatenulatum CECT 7765.
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease puts patients with psoriasis at greater cardiovascular risk
- Single versus double expewrimental bile duct ligation model for inducing bacterial translocation
congress communication
- Alterations in key elements of the immune system in suicide victims
- En la cirrosis hepática, los niveles sistémicos de ácidos grasos de cadena corta se correlacionan inversamente con el nivel de endotoxemia y se asocian de forma negativa con una mayor respuesta inflamatoria, un mayor deterioro de la función hepática y un m mayor HVPG
- Estudio de translocación bacteriana en una serie de 71 pacientes con psoriasis
- In hepatic cirrhosis, the systemic levels of short chain fatty acids inversely correlate with the level of endotoxemia, and are negatively associated with an increased inflammatory response, impaired liver function and a higher HVPG
- In hepatic cirrhosis, the systemic levels of short chain fatty acids inversely correlate with the level of endotoxemia, and are negatively associated with an increased inflammatory response, impaired liver function and a higher HVPG
- La combinación d e HEPAMET fibrosis score y elastografía transitoria predice con alta seguridad el riesgo de fibrosis hepática avanzada en la enfermedad hepatica metabólica grasa
- La esteatosis hepática es una complicación frecuente en pacientes con psoriasis y se asocia con una mayor respuesta inflamatoria
- La interleucina 6 y el TNFalfa se asocian con el perímetro abdominal y el IMC en la estenosis simple y el Nash, respectivamente
- La microbiota intestinal participa en la activación del inflamasoma durante el desarrollo de daño hepático genotóxico
- Las células endoteliales del sinusoide hepático participan significativamente en las actividades inmunitarias de fagocitosis y activación de la respuesta T adaptativa en un modelo de cirrosis experimental por CCl4
- Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells significantly cooperate in the phagocytic and adaptive T cell responses in an experimental model of cirrhosis
- Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells significantly cooperate in the phagocytic and adaptive T cell responses in an experimental model of cirrhosis by CCL4
- MSR-1 y CD16 participan en la inmunorregulación hepática del ambiente inflamatorio y el aclaramiento antigénico durante la cirrosis experimental
invited conference
person (active)
research project
technological support