output publications or other works A study of subjective well-being and health of spanish nurses of health care organizations Conference Poster Academic achievement and personality in antisocial Spanish students Conference Poster Academic achievement and personality in prosocial students of secondary education Conference Poster Academic achievement and personality in social anxious students Conference Poster Academic causal attribution in antisocial Spanish adolescents Conference Poster An exploratory study about psychosocial profile of adjustment in early adolescence Conference Poster Comparing social anxiety in Chinese, Spanish, and North American adolescents Conference Poster Depression in adolescence: gender and grade differences Conference Poster Gender differences in school anxiety: Study with a sample of spanish middle and high school students Conference Poster Motivation and healthy life styles in adolescents Conference Paper Perceived social support in adolescence: gender and grade differences Conference Poster Preliminar psychometric data of the School Anxiety Questionnaire Conference Poster Preliminar psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents Conference Poster Psychosocial determinants of the dimensions of depression in adolescence Conference Poster Sociometric variables and attitudes towards deaf people Conference Poster Stress, coping and health in doctors of spanish healthcare organizations Conference Poster