output publications or other works A developmental framework for adventitious root development in Arabidopsis thaliana Conference Poster A functional link between DESIGUAL1 and cytokinins in early leaf development? Conference Poster A genome-wide association study identifies new loci for root formation after wounding Conference Poster Antagonistic interaction between A and C floral homeotic activities is critical for ovule development in Arabdiopsis Conference Poster Arabidopsis CUPULIFORMIS genes: new players on the epigenetics scene Conference Poster Arabidopsis DENTICULATA10 encodes FTSHI4, a chloroplast protein with a role in leaf dorsoventrality Conference Poster Arabidopsis SMALL ORGAN4 encodes a nucleolar and nucleoplasmic protein required for 5.8S rRNA maturation Conference Poster Artificial microRNAs targeting paralogous genes reveal new roles for transcription factors in Arabidopsis leaf development Conference Poster Characterization of the Arabidopsis MORPHOLOGY OF ARGONAUTE1-52 SUPPRESSED5 gene Conference Poster Cloning developmental genes using mapping-by-sequencing Conference Poster Developing molecular tools for garlic breeding Conference Poster Easymap: a program to ease mapping-by-sequencing of large insertions and point mutations Conference Poster Elucidating the interaction networks at work in the methyladenosine epitranscriptome Conference Poster Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis mitochondrial transcription termination factors mTERF5 and mTERF9 Conference Poster Functions of chloroplast ribosome proteins revealed through characterization of the crd mutants of Arabidopsis Conference Poster Genetic and physical interactions between CAX INTERACTING PROTEIN4 and MORPHOLOGY OF ARGONAUTE1-52 SUPPRESSED2 in Arabidopsis Conference Poster Hormonal signaling of adventitious root formation in tomato hypocotyls after wounding Conference Poster Impaired maintenance of the dNTP pool causes leaf reticulation in the venosa4 mutants Conference Poster PLANT ORGAN GROWTH SYMPOSIUM 2017 (Congress Organization) Event Simulation of whole-genome sequencing data to improve the design of mapping-by-sequencing experiments Conference Poster The ANGULATA7 gene encodes a DnaJ-like zinc-finger-domain protein involved in chloroplast function and leaf development in Arabidopsis Conference Poster The Arabidopsis RIBOSOMAL RNA PROCESSING7 nucleolar protein is required for 40S ribosome subunit biogenesis Conference Poster The HUA-PEP ribonucleoproteins regulate ovule development in Arabidopsis via post-transcriptional control of D-function identity genes Conference Paper The INCURVATA11-CUPULIFORMIS2 paralogous gene pair is essential and exhibits unequal functional redundancy Conference Poster The api7 mutant reveals a role for Arabidopsis ABCE proteins in leaf development and venation patterning Conference Poster The characterization of the Arabidopsis mterf6-5 mutant reveals a role for the mTERF6 gene in organelle gene expression and plant development Conference Poster n analysis of the expression of CUPULIFORMIS genes Conference Poster
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