selected publications
academic article
- Performance Evaluation of a Real-Time Phase Estimation Algorithm Applied to Intracortical Signals from Human Visual Cortex. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES. 516-525. 2022
- A multiplexed current source postable stimulator architecture for a visual cortical neuroprosthesis. LECT NOTES COMPUT SC. 310-318. 2005
- Formulation and validation of a method for classifying neurons from multielectrode recording. LECT NOTES COMPUT SC. 68-76. 2005
- Fertirrigación por goteo de los cultivos leñosos.. VIDA RURAL: LA REVISTA DEL CAMPO.. 25-28. 2001
- Speech Coding using Visual Weights Analysis in Time-Delay Self Organizing Neural Networks. Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision. 719-724. 1998
congress communication