selected publications
academic article
- Attenuation of Notch signalling by the Down-Syndrome-associated kinase DYRK1A. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE. 1574-1583. 2009
- Snail blocks the cell cycle and confers resistance to cell death. GENES & DEVELOPMENT. 1131-1143. 2004
congress communication
- A left-right differential cell migration drives heart looping in vertebrates 2017
- Prrx1 Controls cardiac pacemaker development 2017
- A Left-Right differential cell migration drives heart bending in vertebrates 2016
- A Left-Right differential cell migration drives heart bending in vertebrates 2016
- EMT-TFs crosstalk through the miR16 family 2016
- Cell Behaviour associated with different Epithelial-Mesenchymal inducers (EMT-TFS) in embryos and cancer cells 2015
- Deciphering the role of EMT- TFs in different steps of the metastatic cascade by using a zebrafish model 2015
- Deciphering the role of EMT-TFs in different steps of the metastatic cascade by using a zebrafish model 2015
- EMT-TFs crosstalk through the miR16 family 2015
- PRRX1 promotes TWIST expression by activating miR-16 family members 2015
- PRX1 transcription factor is a new inducer of EMT 2008
- The antagonism between SOX3 and Snail1 controsl EMT to define neural versus mesendodermal territories at gastrulation 2008