supported publications or other works HIERARCHY AND FLEXIBILITY IN CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS FORAGING 2021 HIERARCHY AND FLEXIBILITY IN Caenorhabditis elegans FORAGING 2020 INVARIANCES AND CONTROLLED VARIABLES IN HUMAN ARM MOVEMENT 2022 Invariances and controlled variables in human arm movement 2021
selected publications academic article Neuroscience needs behavior: correcting a reductionist bias . NEURON. 480-490. 2017 The speed-curvature power law of movements: a reappraisal.. EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH. 1-14. 2017 Expanding perspectives on cognition in humans, animals, and machines. CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY. 85-91. 2016 Generative rules of Drosophila locomotor behavior as a candidate homology across phyla. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 1-11. 2016 Hierarchical compression ofCaenorhabditis elegans locomotion reveals phenotypic differences in the organization of behaviour. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 1-9. 2016 Mitochondrial targeting of XJB-5-131 attenuates or improves pathophysiology in HdhQ150 animals with well-developed disease phenotypes. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 1-14. 2016 The speed¿curvature power law in Drosophila larval locomotion. BIOLOGY LETTERS. 1-4. 2016 chapter Causal circuit explanations of behaviour. Decoding Neural Circuit Structure and Function. 283-306. 2017 congress communication Modelos bioinspirados 2017 Novel Approaches to Science and Metaphysics 2017 Perceptual origins of geometric-kinematic constraints in human movement 2017 Perceptual origins of the speed-curvature power law in humans, flies and robots 2017 Presentation Skills Workshop 2017 The Organization of Posture Sequences in Caenorhabditis elegans Locomotion 2017 The Organization of Posture Sequences in Caenorhabditis elegans Locomotion 2017 Searching for Principles of Animal Behavior 2016 Searching for behavioral homologies across species 2016
teaching activities DE LOS CANALES IÓNICOS AL PROCESAMIENTO DE LA INFORMACIÓN: UN ACERCAMIENTO FUNCIONAL (Máster Universitario en Neurociencia: de la Investigación a la Clínica) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2017 - 2024 NEUROBIOLOGÍA DEL DESARROLLO: DE LA NEUROGÉNESIS A LA FORMACIÓN DE CIRCUITOS (Máster Universitario en Neurociencia: de la Investigación a la Clínica) - Clase Magistral Teacher 2017 - 2020 TRABAJO FIN DE MÁSTER (Máster Universitario en Neurociencia: de la Investigación a la Clínica) - Actividad Teórica Tutorizada no presencial Teacher 2018 - 2019
organizer of event MEMORY MEETING (Congress Organization) Miembros del Comité Organizador de un Congreso o del Comité Científico 2017 17 CONGRESO NACIONAL DE LA SENC SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE NEUROCIENCIA (Congress Organization) Miembros del Comité Organizador de un Congreso o del Comité Científico 2017 CIRCUITS AND BEHAVIOR- SEVERO OCHOA SYMPOSIUM (Congress Organization) Miembros del Comité Organizador de un Congreso o del Comité Científico 2016 CIRCUITS AND BEHAVIOR- SEVERO OCHOA SYMPOSIUM (Congress Organization) Moderadores de Mesas Redondas y Sesiones Científicas 2016
Included in Instituto de Neurociencias 2017 Institute Instituto de Neurociencias 2018 Institute Instituto de Neurociencias 2019 Institute Instituto de Neurociencias 2020 Institute Instituto de Neurociencias 2021 Institute Instituto de Neurociencias 2022 Institute Instituto de Neurociencias 2023 Institute