selected publications
academic article
- Identifying Suitable Brain Regions and Trial Size Segmentation for Positive/Negative Emotion Recognition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS. 1-14. 2018
- Application of EEG techniques to the study of visual impact of renewable energies. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 484-490. 2017
- Funcionamiento del sistema nervioso autónomo y estado de salud percibido en la Fibromialgia.. REVISTA DE PSICOPATOLOGIA Y PSICOLOGIA CLINICA. 119-128. 2016
- Exploring the Physiological Basis of Emotional HRI Using a BCI Interface. Natural and Artificial Computation for Neuroscience and Biomedicine. 274-289. 2017
- Setting the Parameters for an Accurate EEG (Electroencephalography)- Based Emotion Recognition System. Natural and Artificial Computation for Neuroscience and Biomedicine. 265-273. 2017
congress communication