selected publications
academic article
- Saline irrigations effects on Cynara cardnculus L. plants grown in mediterranean soils. HORTSCIENCE. 762-767. 2013
- Use of a Rhizosphere-Based Method for the Assessement of Heavy-Metal Bioavailability in Soils Amended with Polluted Sewage Sludge. COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS. 1599-1609. 2013
- The Influence of Soil Properties on the Water Pollution. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION. 1783-1790. 2012
- Assessment of the Evolution and Efficiency of a Full-Scale Sewage Sludge Composting Process. COMPOST SCIENCE & UTILIZATION. 81-88. 2010
- Contribution of a sewage sludge application to the short-term carbon sequestration across a wide range of agricultural soils. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. 1613-1619. 2010
- Evaluation of different extraction methods for the assessment of heavy metal bioavailability in various soils. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION. 471-483. 2010
- Evaluation of single chemical extractans for the prediction of heavy metal uptake by barley in soil amended with polluted sewage sludge. PLANT AND SOIL. 303-314. 2010
- The potential of NIR spectroscopy to predict the stability parameters in sewage sludge and derived compost. GEODERMA. 93-100. 2010
- The use of Respirometric Technique for Assessing the Evolution of the Stability of a Sewage Sludge Compost Developed under Full-Scale Conditions. DYNAMIC SOIL, DYNAMIC PLANT . 132-135. 2009
- Soil factors related to heavy metal bioavailability after sewage sludge application. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN. 1839-1845. 2008
- Seguimiento del proceso de compostaje de lodos de depuradora mediante radiometría VNIR: resultados preliminares y expectativas futuras.. Cuadernos de Investigación en la Ingeniería. Vol. II. Avances en tecnologías de tratamientos de aguas. 113-122. 2013
- Global Change and Soil Carbon. Sewage Sludge Management. From the past to our century. 481-492. 2012
- Sewage Sludge and Global Change. Sewage Sludge Management. From the past to our century. 63-72. 2012
congress communication
- Effect of biosolid waste compost on soil respiration in salt-affected soils. 7720-7720. 2013
- Quantification of Soil Respiration in Different Saline Soils of Alicante (Spain). 2399-2399. 2012
- Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) biomass production in a calcareous soil amended with sewage sludge compost and irrigated with sewage water 2010
- Relación entre color, materia orgánica y salinidad de suelos agrícolas como indicadores edáficos de calidad. 129-136. 2010
- Uso de un método rizosférico para la evaluación de la biodisponibilidad de metales pesados en suelos enmendados con lodo de depuradora contaminado con metales pesados. 889-900. 2010
- Assessment of different methods to estimate heavy metal bioavailability in 30 contrasting Spanish and New Zealand soils 2009
- Changes on sewage sludge stability after greenhouse drying 2009
- Usefulness of NIR spectroscopy for the estimation of the mineral composition and texture of soils and heavy metal uptake 2009
- Aproximación al estudio de los fósiles que afloran superficialmente en el Clot de Galvany y su entorno 2008
- Edaphic factors related to heavy metals and nutrients behaviour following a single sewage sludge application 2008
- Estimation of some maturity parameters on composts and sewage sludges using NIR spectroscopy 2008
- Evolution of some maturity parameters during a sewage sludge composting process 2008
- The use of NIR spectroscopy for the estimation of properties of agricultural and forest soils from SE Spain 2008
- Nitrates and phospahtes mobility in different agricultural soils after sewage sludge application.. 1-6. 2007
- Soil factors releted to heavy metal bioavailability after sewage sludge apllication. 2007
- Estimation of some parameters during the process of sewage sludge composting using NIR spectroscopy. 123-123. 2006
- Evolution of the organic matter during the process of sewage sludge composting 2006
- Propiedades del suelo relacionadas con la movilidad de metales pesados y nutrientes tras la aplicación de lodos de depuradora 2006