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invited conference
Contrast gain and the shape of thalamic receptive fields,
Conferencia 2007
Visual Processing: More (or less) than meets the eye,
Conferencia 2007
¿Cómo ve el mundo el cerebro?,
Conferencia 2007
Dialogues between physics and biology,
Conferencia 2006
Circuitos neuronales y mecanismos sinápticos en la corteza visual primaria: organización funcional de una columna cortical.,
Conferencia 2005
Recent discoveries on receptive field structures,
Conferencia 2005
High-level visual processing: perception and cognition,
Conferencia 2005
The generation of cortical receptive fields,
Conferencia 2005
Microelectrode analysis of information flow across primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 2005
La generación de los campos receptores en la corteza visual primaria. Un mecanismo simple para una tarea compleja ,
Conferencia 2005
The generation of visual cortical receptive fields,
Conferencia 2005
Campos receptores y circuitos en la corteza visual primaria,
Conferencia 2004
Los campos receptores visuales,
Conferencia 2004
The emergence of receptive field structure in primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 2003
The emergence of receptive field structure in primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 2003
The emergence of receptive field structure in primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 2002
The emergence of receptive field structure in primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 2002
Areas, columns and layers. Looking at orientation selectivity from a new angle,
Conferencia 2001
Tecnicas de registro neuronal,
Conferencia 2001
The generation of receptive fields in primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 2000
Visual cortical receptive fields,
Conferencia 2000
The generation of simple and complex receptive fields in primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 1999
The generation of complex receptive fields in primary visual cortex,
Conferencia 1997
El sistema piramidal en el control del movimiento,
Conferencia 1995