selected publications
academic article
- Characterization of Artifacts produced by gel displacement on non-invasive Brain-Machine Interfaces during ambulation. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. 1-14. 2016
- Decoding the attentional demands of gait through EEG gamma band features. PLOS ONE. 1-21. 2016
- Detección de cambios en el entorno durante la marcha a través de señales EEG. COGNITIVE AREA NETWORKS. 77-81. 2016
- EEG-based Detection of Starting and Stopping During Gait Cycle. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS. 1-13. 2016
- Analyzing EEG signals to detect unexpected obstacles during walking. JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION. 1-15. 2015
- Assessing Movement Factors in Upper Limb Kinematics Decoding from EEG Signals. PLOS ONE. 1-12. 2015
- Combining a Brain-Machine Interface and an Electrooculography Interface to perform pick and place tasks with a robotic arm. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 181-188. 2015
- Decodificación del ángulo de rodilla a partir de señales EEG. COGNITIVE AREA NETWORKS. 45-50. 2015
- Plataforma IBERADA de acceso alternativo al computador para personas con discapacidad. COGNITIVE AREA NETWORKS. 1-6. 2015
- SVM-based Brain-Machine Interface for controlling a robot arm through 4 mental tasks. NEUROCOMPUTING. 116-121. 2015
- Arquitectura de una Interfaz Cerebro-Máquina para el Control de un Exoesqueleto Robot de Miembro Superior . COGNITIVE AREA NETWORKS. 13-17. 2014
- Arquitectura para el Análisis de los Estados Cognitivos relacionados con la Marcha. COGNITIVE AREA NETWORKS. 19-23. 2014
- Control of a 2 DoF Robot Using a Brain-Machine Interface. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE. 169-176. 2014
- Evaluating Classifiers to Detect Arm Movement Intention from EEG Signals. SENSORS. 18172-18186. 2014
- An Integrated Electrooculography and Desktop Input Bimodal Interface to Support Robotic Arm Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART C-APPLICATIONS AND RE. 338-342. 2013
- Classification method for BCIs based on the correlation of EEG maps. NEUROCOMPUTING. 98-106. 2013
- Endogenous Brain-Machine Interface based on the Correlation of EEG Maps. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE. 302-308. 2013
- Internet Browsing Application based on Electrooculography for Disabled People. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 2640-2648. 2013
- Multimodal System based on Electrooculography and Voice Recognition to Control a Robot Arm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 1-9. 2013
- Shared Control Architecture Based on RFID to Control a Robot Arm Using a Spontaneous Brain- Machine Interface. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 768-774. 2013
- Assistive robot application based on an RFID control architecture and a wireless EOG interface. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 1069-1077. 2012
- Detection of Gait Initiation Through a ERD-BasedBrain-Computer Interface. Advances in Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics . 141-150. 2016
- Brain-Machine Interfaces for Assistive Robotics. Intelligent Assistive Robots. Recent Advances in Assistive Robotics for Everyday Activities.. 77-102. 2015
- Empirical Analysis of the Integration of a BCI and an EOG Interface to Control a Robot Arm. Natural and Artificial Models in Computation and Biology. 151-160. 2013
- Interfaces basadas en la actividad cerebral. La Interacción de Personas con Discapacidad con el Computador. Experiencias y Posibilidades en Iberoamérica. 125-145. 2013
- Interfaces basadas en movimientos oculares: electrooculografía (EOG) y videooculografía (VOG). La Interacción de Personas con Discapacidad con el Computador. Experiencias y Posibilidades en Iberoamérica. 107-123. 2013
- Training Study Approaches for a SVM-Based BCI: Adaptation to the Model vs Adaptation to the User. Natural and Artificial Models in Computation and Biology. 131-140. 2013
congress communication
- A new upgrading model for detecting the reaction to obstacle appearance during walking using EEG. 184-189. 2016
- Corticospinal Coherence During Frequency-Modulated Isometric Ankle Dorsiflexion. 135-140. 2016
- Decoding Muscle Excitation Primitives from Slow Cortical Potentials During Knee Flexion-Extension. 1151-1156. 2016
- Detection of intention of pedaling start cycle through EEG signals. 1496-1499. 2016
- Evaluating Cognitive Mechanisms During Walking from EEG Signals. 1463-1467. 2016
- Evaluating decoding performance of upper limb imagined trajectories during center-out reaching tasks. 252-257. 2016
- Evaluation of Motion Artifacts on EEG Signals during Exoskeleton Gait. 99-99. 2016
- New approach based on frequency features of EEG signals when obstacles suddenly appear during walking. 188-188. 2016
- Pseudo-Online Detection of Intention of Pedaling Start Cycle Through EEG Signals. 1103-1107. 2016
- Changes in brain activity due to the sudden apparition of an obstacle during gait. 110-113. 2015
- Decoding of Knee Angles through EEG using Active Electrodes 2015
- Integración de un ratón inercial y una interfaz ocular para el control del cursor del ordenador. 7-10. 2015
- Online Detection of Horizontal Hand Movements from Low Frequency EEG Components. 214-217. 2015
- Single Joint Movement Decoding from EEG in Healthy and Incomplete Spinal Cord Injured Subjects. 6179-6183. 2015
- Studying cognitive attention mechanisms during walking from EEG signals. 882-886. 2015
- Using EEG Signals to Detect the Intention of Walking Initiation and Stop. 278-287. 2015
- A Brain-Machine Interface Architecture to Control an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton. 795-803. 2014
- Analysis of electrode configurations for the decoding of knee angles from EEG signals during gait 2014
- Brain-Machine Interface System to Differentiate between Five Mental Tasks. 172-175. 2014
- Decoding Knee Angles from EEG Signals for Different Walking Speeds. 1494-1497. 2014
- Evaluación de un sistema EOG como interfaz de comunicación hombre-máquina. 67-70. 2014
- Experimental Architecture to Analyse Brain Signals during Walking. 647-654. 2014
- Experimental Setup and First Results of a BCI System for Attention Levels Classification During Gait. 470-473. 2014
- Frequency and Number of Neighbors Study for Attention Level Classification Using EEG Signals 2014
- Preliminary study to detect gait initiation intention through a BCI System. 61-66. 2014
- Reducing the False Positives Rate in a BCI System to Detect Error-Related EEG Potentials. 321-327. 2014
- Selection of the Best Mental Tasks for a SVM-Based BCI System. 1502-1507. 2014
- Clasificación de señales de potencial de error a través de una interfaz gráfica con realimentación de fuerzas. 100-107. 2013
- Comparativa de clasificadores para diferenciación de 4 estados mentales utilizando señales EEG. 42-47. 2013
- Detección de la voluntad de movimiento del brazo basada en la desincronización relacionada a eventos. 251-255. 2013
- Empirical Analysis of the Integration of a BCI and an EOG Interface to Control a Robot Arm. 151-160. 2013
- Evaluation methodology for brain-controlled robots 2013
- Linear Decoding of 2D Hand Movements for Target Selection Tasks Using a Non-Invasive BCI System. 778-782. 2013
- Mental Tasks Selection Method for a SVM-Based BCI System. 767-771. 2013
- Online classification of two mental tasks using a SVM-based BCI system. 1307-1310. 2013
- Passive robot assistance in arm movement decoding from EEG signals. 895-898. 2013
- Selection of the best classifier for differentiating mental tasks in a brain-machine interface. 231-234. 2013
- Training Study Approaches for a SVM-Based BCI: Adaptation to the Model vs Adaptation to the User. 131-140. 2013
- Análisis de la mejor combinación de tareas en un BMI basado en SVM. 19-24. 2012
- Brain-Machine Interface Based on EEG Mapping to Control an Assistive Robotic Arm . 1311-1315. 2012
- Clasificador de Potenciales de Error Orientado a la Detección de la Intención de Movimiento. 53-58. 2012
- Control Strategies of an Assistive Robot Using a Brain-Machine Interface. 3553-3558. 2012
- Controlling 2D Movements of a Robotic Arm Using a Brain-Machine Interface 2012
- Decoding Upper Limb Movement Velocity for Stroke Rehabilitation. 415-419. 2012
- Detección de la intención de movimiento del brazo mediante señales EEG . 35-41. 2012
- Error Potential Detection to Assist Movement Intention Decoding in Stroke Patients. 491-494. 2012
- Interfaz multimodal basada en la combinación de información ocular, cerebral y háptica para el control de un brazo robot. 47-52. 2012
- Neuro-fuzzy Classifier to Recognize Mental Tasks in a BCI . 207-212. 2012