selected publications
- Parpados y conjuntiva. ANATOMIA DEL SISTEMA VISUAL HUMANO . Tomo I. 121-131. 2005
congress communication
- The anterolateral thigh flap: Anatomical variations of the vastus lateralis nerve 2005
- Hernia inguinal recidivada. Utilidad de la vía preperitoneal. 2003
- Identification of hyperplastic articular pillars in CT scans using optical linear correlation techniques. 2003
- Identification of stellate and disc-shaped cell types in the central nucleus of the rat inferior colliculus. A comparation between two pattern recognition techniques. 2003
- La estética en la microcirugía reparadora de la cara 2003
- Lesiones traumáticas del nervio facial. Tratamiento microquirúrgico deurgencia. 2003