selected publications
academic article
- Metagenomic islands of hyperhalophiles: the case of Salinibacter ruber . BMC GENOMICS. 570-577. 2009
- "Comparative genomics of two ecotypes of the marine planktonic copiotroph Alteromonas macleodii suggests alternative lifestyles associated with different kinds of particulate organic matter". ISME JOURNAL. 1194-1212. 2008
- Adaptation of the Salinibacter ruber proteome to changing salinity by specialized paralogs: the concept of ecoparalogs. . TRENDS IN GENETICS. 2007
- Intragenomic 16S rDNA divergence in Haloarcula marismortui is an adaptation to different temperatures.. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EVOLUTION. 501-510. 2007
- Genome Rearrangements, Deletions and Amplifications in the Natural Population of Bartonella henselae. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY. 7426-7439. 2006
- The Neolithic revolution of bacterial genomes. TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 200-206. 2006
- Characterization of the genome composition of Bartonella koehlerae by microarray CGH profiling.. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY. 6155-6165. 2005
- Data-rotation improves genomotyping efficiency. BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL. 585-598. 2005
- The silencing of pseudogenes. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 2135-2138. 2005
- Comparative genomics of gene family size in closely related bacteria. GENOME BIOLOGY. 1-15. 2004
- Evolutionary relationship of Fusobacterium nucleatum based on phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics. BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 1-17. 2004
- Genome architecture and evolution of microbial pathogens. Evolutinary Biology of Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens. 115-128. 2007
- Horizontal Gene Transfer in Oral Bacteria. Oral Molecular Microbiology. 65-86. 2007
- Evolution of genome architecture and the evolution of bacterial pathogens. Introduction to Evolutionary Biology of Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens. 98-106. 2006
congress communication
- La divergencia en operones ribosomales es una adaptación a la temperatura. 2007
- Transcriptional and in silico Analyses of Mycobacterium leprae Pseudogenes. 2007
- Evolutionary Genomics of Bacteria 2006
- Evolutionary Genómics of Bacteria 2006
- Frecuencia de Oligonucleotidos en Genomas Bacterianos 2006
- Genome asymmetry: evaluating the genome balance hypothesis in bacteria 2006
- Genomic Location and the Evolution of Paralogous Genes 2006
- Genómica Comparada de Patógenos Orales 2006
- Prokaryotic Metagenomics 2006
- RNAGeneTracer: a Tool to Trace Evolutionary History of the Ribosomal Genes 2006
- Genomic Location and the evolution of gene families 2005
- Habitat Gene Reservoir Vs Lateral Gene Transfer 2005
- Hacia una vacuna contra la caries por medio de la genómica 2005
- Visualization of over- and under-representation of oligonucleotides: Chaos Game Representation of z-scores. 2005
- Localización de los integrantes de familias génicas en genomas bacterianos. 44-44. 2004
- ¿Existe una arquitectura genómica en bacterias? 2004
- What Can Molecular Epidemiology Expect from Bioinformatics? 2003
- What Can Molecular Epidemiology Expect from Bioinformatics? 2003
- ¿Por qué las bacterias no acumulan ADN basura? 2003
- ¿Por qué las bacterias no acumulan ADN basura? 2003